How do I shave round a mole

Now. I know I am asking for it with a subject like this. But this is a serious question. I have a small mole that. I have knicked the top off. I had to bail on my shave. How does one handle this and or shave round the damage. Is there a way to protect a small area from being shaved?
If it is a prominent mole that you easily cut while shaving I would seriously consider having it removed. I have one on my neck, which is not in a shaving area, but quite close and I have got that a couple of times, I now put a finger on it from my spare hand when shaving in the area.

I have had a few moles removed from my back and there is no visible scar.
I have what the doctor thought was a mole on my chin. No matter how careful I was I use to nick it when I was using disposables. The doctor decided to freeze it off, so off I went to the nurse. The process was painless and it's just a case of dabbing on liquid nitrogen. In my case it didn't work as its not a mole but a hereditary gene defect. Funnily enough now I DE shave I don't cut it anywhere as near as I use to. Personally I think the lump is flattened down by the head of the razor, where most disposables have a flexible head.

So I would say, go to the docs, explain how you keep cutting in, most GPs nurses can perform the service so there shouldn't be a hospital visit and also no waiting lists etc.
+1 on the above, I had one removed simply as it made it so much easier to shave. Doctor did half heartedly say it really wasn't a legit reason for minor surgery. My answer was that wouldn't removal be better than me arriving with a infected mole at a later date. It was taken off a week later.
Great thread... and a subject I was going to raise myself at some point. Absolutely.. go to the Docs with a view to having it removed. If you push the point of nicking it when shaving... and the possibility of something nasty developing, then it'll probably be done on the NHS. Even if you had to pay privately (and were prepared to pay) then the doc is the place to start.

In my own case I have two prominent moles that I sometimes nick, I'm delaying because I've also developed two basal cell carcinomas on my face (not in the shaving area) and these have to be removed... so I thought I'd better get that out of the way first. BUT... it's raised the whole issue of sun damage and skin cancer.. so the moles have got to go!

The minor op to remove the skin cancers is actually on Friday

PS... I also use a moisturiser with a built in SPF factor now
My problem is its a NF1 or neuro fibromatosis growth, it's non cancerous, but I hate the ruddy thing. If I cut it, it's bleeds like hell, alum doesn't stop it, only pressure and a wait works. Something I have to put up with as they won't remove it.
Northam Saint said:
My problem is its a NF1 or neuro fibromatosis growth, it's non cancerous, but I hate the ruddy thing. If I cut it, it's bleeds like hell, alum doesn't stop it, only pressure and a wait works. Something I have to put up with as they won't remove it.

I've got a little Wahl beard trimmer... amongst it's various attachments is a tiny shaver head which works really well. On most days, I've found that the problem with the mole is directional... I can shave in one direction ok, but the other direction will cut it. On some days... particularly if an earlier cut is still healing, I just whizz down the stubble around the area with the trimmer before shaving, then miss the area completely. After I lather up, I dab the mole with my finger to clear the lather... this makes it really obvious where it is to avoid mistakes. Hardly takes any effort at all and you may find it does the trick.
NotTheStig said:
Best of luck with that, Steve. Can't be much fun

Thanks for that.
Certainly isn't fun... but I'm "on" first thing Friday morning. Strategy is to get home, have a cup of tea, then sulk for the weekend whilst stuffing me fat face with chocolate.

The guy with the knife has the hard job... I've just got to sit there!
NotTheStig said:
Definitely a good attitude to have, I would say.

To be honest... due to a long-standing medical condition, my visits to hospital usually involve having a large probe rammed up me jacksie. Having bits sliced off my face makes something of a refreshing change

OrangeSport said:
If only we knew then what we know now....

Slapping on Bergasol on the Costa Brava in the 70s... them were the days!

Thanks for the good wishes, though
I have one that sticks up and it's only just off my beard line on the neck / throat... I do what LTB does and I put a finger on it as I start to shave the neck. I also mix in Wiffwaff's trick and clear the cream away from the exact spot so I can see it, these were lessons learned the hard way.
I caught it twice in the past, once badly and once with just a nick, either way it bleeds like billy-o and doesn't stop for anything save direct pressure and time... the sort of time I don't have at 0600.
Been lucky. Anything that's popped up I've just sliced off with the razor.
Now that I'm older I am more careful and usually go to a free clinic that a local hospital has that checks all of your skin for problems. Only a few age spots.
Canuck said:
I have one that sticks up and it's only just off my beard line on the neck / throat... I do what LTB does and I put a finger on it as I start to shave the neck. I also mix in Wiffwaff's trick and clear the cream away from the exact spot so I can see it, these were lessons learned the hard way.
I caught it twice in the past, once badly and once with just a nick, either way it bleeds like billy-o and doesn't stop for anything save direct pressure and time... the sort of time I don't have at 0600.

by pure accident i sliced my mole off before. doesn't stick up any more which is a good think but it didn't half bleed when i sliced it off.

i very rarely shave first thing in the morning, i wouldn't trust myself at 5:30, well at least not till ive had a couple cups of coffee at least
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