Hot flannel/towels

Thank you all for the posts. I sort of thought that the idea was to have good lenghty soak without the face cooling at any point but, of course, that would be unrelastic. I have to re-dunk several times. I suppose it still works though. In the barbers where you see the old steam towels in movies you just see them pap it onto the guys face and leave it there. A lot easier with a chunky hot towel mind you.

When I know I'm having a shave, I turn the water up to max on my combi-boiler and run it 'till scalding, fill the sink, drop in a flannel, do a bit of "hoo" and " ha" as the water is very hot when I wring it out then repeat after 10 seconds or so and repeat this between five and ten times. I also float my bowl with the brush in it which keeps the lather nice and warm.
I use either of the methods above.

If it's hot enough out of the tap, straight on the face for about a minute then lather up right away.

If not, I nuke it in the microwave.

Mind you, I always spend plenty of time lathering too so I'm sure that helps a lot.
I dunk the flannel in hot water & put onto my face for about 10-20 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times until I feel that the bristles are soft, then on with Prosaso. Haven't tried shaving without using the Prosaso though & wonder how much of a difference that would make?
WiffWaff said:
I know when I've done enough hot flanneling as my neck turns a lurid pink!

I'm also a bowl-floater

Turning pink is your neck telling you it's 'done'. About as good as having a pop up timer feature. Great way to know when to stop basting with the wet towels.

Oh, I never heard of a 'bowl-floater' before. Now it's probably a Limey (or other foreign type) phrase, and I'm guessing it has something to do with toilet flushing habits. Pretty close eh?

On the subject of soaking in water I had a Semogue 1520 which I left soaking in the sink for a bit. Didn't get round to shaving and forgot about it. I returned and loads of the handle paint was gone. Bit of a bummer and I'm not sure it the brush is set to rot or not now

RB73 said:


I get the idea of how to heat up the towels. Sounds like a great idea. But in a barbershop you're sitting in a comfy chair with your feet up and everything...
If you're not soaking in your tub. Where are you(position) when you're doing all this face soaking???
WiffWaff said:
dodgy said:
Oh, I never heard of a 'bowl-floater' before. Now it's probably a Limey (or other foreign type) phrase, and I'm guessing it has something to do with toilet flushing habits. Pretty close eh?


... you'll never know how close that was to the truth!!

Steve, I think we need to educate Martin about the difference between a 'bowl floater' and a 'floater in the bowl' - whatever you do Martin, don't attempt to lather the latter.
Johnus said:
RB73 said:


I get the idea of how to heat up the towels. Sounds like a great idea. But in a barbershop you're sitting in a comfy chair with your feet up and everything...
If you're not soaking in your tub. Where are you(position) when you're doing all this face soaking???

They were selling shite sauna's anyway :icon_razz:
chrisbell said:
WiffWaff said:
UKRob said:
I use a flannel regardless of whether I've showered beforehand - with me two goes with hot water is enough and I probably apply for no more than 20 seconds each time. I also use Proraso pre shave and find that this combined with the hot towel gives a very comfortable shave - I use a straight by the way, so this may be over the top if you use a DE.

Not over the top. I use a DE and do exactly the same thing. Proraso is very addictive.

Same here.

Exactly the same here - proraso, lather up in the bowl, hot flannel then shave.
Very hot water means less time re-soaking the flannel. The barbers use a very hot towel and thick too to retain heat. Much the same as others here - soak in sink with brush for about 20 seconds and re-apply about 4 times in a minute. The neck can turn a little pink too like Steve mentioned but no pop-up timer Martin - don't like them much anyhow ;)

Tried cold shaving for a couple of days but didn't like it - much irritation :(
Johnus said:
I get the idea of how to heat up the towels. Sounds like a great idea. But in a barbershop you're sitting in a comfy chair with your feet up and everything...
If you're not soaking in your tub. Where are you(position) when you're doing all this face soaking???

What's doin fellow Yanker,

I'm standing in front of the sink and bent over slightly as I hold a hot wet towel on my face with both hands. Of course I'm not bored or hurried for as long as the process takes, since I'm reflecting on petting bunnies during that time. Very calming to think about. Do you like bunnies?
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