Feather AS-D2 has landed

I've had delivery today of the nice new Feather AS-D2 and stand.

As I'm rather new to all this I'll do my best to express my limited experience of this razor.

Straight out of the box you notice the build quality. It's quite simply stunning and the level of detail is amazing.
Weight seem nice, I prefer the heavier razor and the balance feels comfortable.
I seem to be a lover of the heavier weighted razors.

Sadly I was due to appear at my better halfs place but I thought a quick spin would not hurt.
I load an Astra SP blade and used Cella which is quick to lather up.

Now once again I'm no expert so but I proceeded to do 3 quick passes.
The angle is strange as I'm use to my iKon standard head so I was not expecting great results.
Each pass was very quick and I've never had such a smooth shaving action before . No tugging just a smooth glide even down my neck line where I really struggle to shave against the grain.
It does seem mild as after the 3 passes I was still a little rough to the touch. In saying that I rushed the cuts to a point where 3 passes were under 10 mins where I normally spend around 20 to 25 mins.
The good news was I found this razor very safe to the point where I wondered if you could cut yourself. I flow around my face and I know with the iKon I would have been rewarded with a nice nick or two.
To be fair this first shave was just a flash in the pan as I never truly tried it in the time I had.
I've loaded a Feather now for my next shave so I will update the thread once I've tried that and with a shave that I Concentrate on.


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:huh: Sometimes I wonder if Feather have there fingers on the pulse of the wet shaving community, would it be so bad if they gave the option of a more aggressive razor for the likes of me, who generally prefer the more aggressive type, still keeping my eye on this post however,.... perhaps a feather blade should be inserted :idea:
John said:
:huh: Sometimes I wonder if Feather have there fingers on the pulse of the wet shaving community, would it be so bad if they gave the option of a more aggressive razor for the likes of me, who generally prefer the more aggressive type, still keeping my eye on this post however,.... perhaps a feather blade should be inserted :idea:

Its loaded John, I've got to wait now for tomorrow before I give it its second run.

I was hiding away from she who must be obeyed when I posted my first post :angel:

My chin, cheek are as smooth as my what my iKon is capable of but its my area just under the cheek bones to the side that's not so good. It looks like I missed the angle completely on these areas which is why tomorrow I will try to be more precise with my shave.
I had some bumps across my right hand neck area where I went against the grain, these appeared soon after the shave but that's my poor rush technique on the first pass against the grain.
I was surprised that it went against the neck grain so easily where I just can't do that with the iKon. It gave a nice close shave in that area so I guess I should have done the first 2 passes with the grain first to avoid the bumps.

Here's a photo showing the bottom section with the flange which I think is different to the D1 version.

I would hope I am able to crack this razor's method as it was really an easy shave to what I'm use to however I'm keeping an open mind at the moment.


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Ok another day another shave.
Today was with a Feather blade and MWF soap.
Erm well I took my time and almost buffed as I went along at the start and I ended up with the same results as yesterday, perhaps not so good on my left side.

Nice smooth action, blade seem to make no difference in its glide, cutting and smooth feel as you shave.
Still not sure if I have the angle right, I tried to adjust at the beginning to see what was going on with my stubble.

Its looking though as if its a very mild razor as once again even with the Feather it felt very safe but still failed to achieve a smooth feel in all the areas like my iKon does.

Ill update this thread as I use it and practise more on that angle but its looking like a mild razor if that helps.
joe mcclaine said:
Heh Heh ... you said 'flange'.

Lol it was reference to the raised sections, comes from my engineering days at a well known air ventilation and movement company which I am gladly now out of :)
almost at 90 degrees is the way to go

the angle is critical to getting an excellent shave, the margins are so tight its quite a task

that is why so many give up ....... too much hassle, but when it works its a pleasure to use
jimbofett said:
almost at 90 degrees is the way to go

the angle is critical to getting an excellent shave, the margins are so tight its quite a task

that is why so many give up ....... too much hassle, but when it works its a pleasure to use

Thanks Jim

It's the angle I have to try and keep. I'm use to a much shallower angle and trying to keep that angle is what I need to improve at.
Where I seem to have it spot on its nice and smooth like on my chin and cheeks and part of my neck. Where I fail its rough which points to what you say.
If I could get a wonderful shave with this razor I would be one very happy chap. It's so smooth to shave with that its a pleasure to use.

I'll try and increase the angle even more on the next shave.

Edit: I just tried to see what angle to work at. I used a small box and moved the head down till the blade touched and its quite a step angle and there is only a small amount of area within the angle before the blade lifted off the box. I can see how much concentration is needed.
My concern with the Feather which maybe rather silly. Is that I'm sure I could stick with it and get good shaves but I'm a little worried that shaving with it after a while may be a little dull. I still really want to try one of course. Maybe one day they'll be a pass around (I know...keep dreaming)
Another days shave and a little better today. Keeping that angle is a tough nut to crack but a much better shave all round.
My problem areas are still a little rough and I need to work at them but I'm fairly smooth all over but not as smooth as shaving with my iKon in some areas but not bad.
There's no doubt this is a comfortable razor to use, very slick glide which makes this an enjoyable experience.
You can tell when the angle was spot on as its very smooth to the touch but keeping that shallow angle is a challenge. I really want to master this razor :)
That sounds a comfortable razor to use, at the end of the day not everyone likes an aggressive shave every day,the face likes a day off from total face scraping, hopefully your happy with it and it stays in your rotation :)
John said:
That sounds a comfortable razor to use, at the end of the day not everyone likes an aggressive shave every day,the face likes a day off from total face scraping, hopefully your happy with it and it stays in your rotation :)

I'm very happy with this and with my iKon I think I've found shaving heaven. Can't see me wanting another for a long time but you never know:) razors seem to grow on you.
Minipeace said:
John said:
That sounds a comfortable razor to use, at the end of the day not everyone likes an aggressive shave every day,the face likes a day off from total face scraping, hopefully your happy with it and it stays in your rotation :)

I'm very happy with this and with my iKon I think I've found shaving heaven. Can't see me wanting another for a long time but you never know:) razors seem to grow on you.

Then I am happy for you, they might be expensive,but they are superbly made, and will last a very long time, :icon_biggrin:
Minipeace said:
razors seem to grow on you.

That they do! My obsessions started with blades, faded into razors for a short while, then soaps, and fortunately for my wallet, they're calming down now! I don't have huge amounts of each, but what I mean is I found myself looking them up every time I was at a computer, following the BST area very closely, and thinking sod it and splurging on something on a whim! I now have nothing to spend, but enjoyable shaves, so hey ho....
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