Dovo Bismarck or Revisor

jodypress said:
jaycey said:
Brand new sealed in the pack vintage Filarmonica Novodur 14 on eBay at the moment. Buy it now @ £466, in my very Filarmonica biased opinion...the best razor ever produced (well maybe the EPBD) and cheap compared to some Livi's ;)
Do you have the link/item no. to the Filly as clicking the above link doesn't work.
However expensive a Mastro Livi might be, it's totally worth it. I recently went to Perugia and spent 2 days with the great artisan himself and came away with not one but 2 fabulous razors. One totally custom designed by me.

As much as I love my vintage razors and I have a few (Filly's, W&B, Dorko's and a DD) I find myself enjoying the fit and feel of my custom Livi razor.

BTW, I've also admired the Wacker's too. 7/8 Wacker

Hi Jody I'll leave you the link, he's a very nice chap his name is Juan he's from Argentina, he's been selling a few over the last few months he sold one to one of the members over on the SRP and friend of mine David whom I recently honed a NOS Filarmonica 14 for, I would love to know where he as sourced the razors from, I have spoken to him and was almost tempted to buy one even at that price, but got cold feet thinking about import duty, someone said if those big Filarmonica 14s keep going up in value as they have been then by 2020 a NOS Fillly 14 will cost you $5000 no joke, so maybe a shrewd investment?
pugh-the-special-one said:
Hi Jody I'll leave you the link, he's a very nice chap his name is Juan he's from Argentina, he's been selling a few over the last few months he sold one to one of the members over on the SRP and friend of mine David whom I recently honed a NOS Filarmonica 14 for, I would love to know where he as sourced the razors from, I have spoken to him and was almost tempted to buy one even at that price, but got cold feet thinking about import duty, someone said if those big Filarmonica 14s keep going up in value as they have been then by 2020 a NOS Fillly 14 will cost you $5000 no joke, so maybe a shrewd investment?

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the link (Jacey too). That's a fine looking Filly indeed. One day I'll try and get an EPDB. There's one for sale at the moment for €300 FILARMONICA 14 BARBAS DURAS but it's got some rust on the blade.

I bought my Red Filly from someone on Ebay in Argentina / Lima I forget. Came through customs no problem. I think the main things that get caught are from USA.
It's still shaving sweetly, thanks for saving her :)
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