Diamond Jubilee

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
Looks like we are off. I watched the Queen's address today.

I've been up and down about the monarchy in my lifetime. But I accept it's still here because the overwhelming majority still support it, despite the rational arguments against it. And that's democracy in action in our British way.

I think what convinces me is that it keeps the politicians in their place. It's like there's a contract between the people and the Windors. As long as they play it in the way that suits us, the monarchy goes on. And all the great and the good and not so good in the land will rise and pay due respect when one little old lady walks into the room.

Just like today in Westminster Hall.

I was at my primary school the day she became Queen. I can think of nobody else in public life who has performed the duties of their office so competently while I've been around.

I'm looking forward to the next few months.
I Personally think the Queen has done a marvellous job over the years.....It sounds a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle, but Its not something I would want to do.....
I'm not always convinced of the contribution made by some of the Royals, but the Queen will always have my support.....

Congratulations Ma'am
I want to be a Citizen, not a Subject!

Nothing personal against the Queen (never even met her) but it is beyond time for the Monarchy to be replaced by a democratically elected Head of State.

Join 'Republic' now and meet with like-minded folk at one of our protests against the Monarchy and against the Jubilee - a huge waste of much needed public money.

Yeah, can just see that, President f*$king Blair.

For what i pay towards the monarchy is given gladly, where as a large part of my tax payment that is given away to a oxygen thieves and outside these shores i would have earmarked for where it counts.

Republic, nah, shove it up your ass. (in the nicest possible way) and as for that link, is that socialist or communist.
I work with a bloke who wants to do away with the Royals.

He's a wishy washy, tofu smoking, yoghurt knitting, limp wristed, jelly headed red as well.

I tell him as much, as I sip my morning cuppa from my Silver Jubilee mug.

Gawd bless yer Ma'am, beggin' yer pardon.
monarchy all the way, the contribution they make to the UK and the commonwealth is much more than most British subjects will contribute.

A lot of republics see the Queen as the jewel in the British crown and I agree.

I also personally think there are few stable constants in a hectic, rapidly changing world and I take a little comfort that this British tradition that remains.
How do you people get from Republicanism to red/Socialism/Communism?

The USA is a republic and can hardly be described as 'red' - unless you have a very big army to back you!
Bechet45 said:
I want to be a Citizen, not a Subject!

Nothing personal against the Queen (never even met her) but it is beyond time for the Monarchy to be replaced by a democratically elected Head of State.


All Hail El-Presedente
I'm all for keeping the Royal family they are good for the Economy, tourism, business and they are something that helps bind the commonwealth.

As for voting for a republic look what happens when this county does vote on things or not as the case maybe with this government. Get real!!! anyone who wants to get in to politics to run the country is probably the wrong person for the job.

As for Blair he was very good at getting things done he is also a lying B******d.

Keep the Royals Enjoy your extra day off this year :)

And remember even the French grumble about giving there aristocracy the chop now and again ;)
Like, I suspect, a great many, I don't care that much. I don't regard myself as a subject because the nation has a notional monarchy any more than I regard myself as an Anglican because the nation has an established church. In fact, the two have a great deal in common: pretty frocks, expensive buildings, peculiar hats, and a history - very much history - of power over the likes of me. And an almost complete lack of relevance to the lives of most of us, of course.
Bechet45 said:
How do you people get from Republicanism to red/Socialism/Communism?

I just pointed out that the only person I know who wants to get rid of the Monarchy (actually he wants to shoot them all) just happens to be a Guardian-reading buffoon.

I didn't say the two were connected.

He's also a homosexual.

And Ukrainian.
Well, I'm a Guardian-reading leftie, and I'll take the present arrangement over a Republic any day of the week - for goodness' sake look what the French got themselves into when they elected the Romanian bloke or the Americans when the chose "Dubya"!
I'm certainly no Royalist, but i'm also not enough of a radical to have given over much time or thought wether we should or shouldn't get rid of them, but I will say this, I certainly do like the two young princes Harry and William for me those two have opened up and somehow made the Royals more normal to me, I wouldn't want Charlie boy taking over, but would have no objection to William giving it his best shot.

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