Can you suggest a cheap good-quality soap?

Proraso Green, Red or White
Palmolive Stick
Thanks, but Proraso Green is my current soap. I don't like it at all. It's very sticky! It sticks on my face and it sticks on my blade, making it impossible to make it go way between strokes. I hate that soap! :(

I have yet to try Palmolive though. I have heard good things about it. :)
If the 50p Palm Olive doesn't scratch your itch give a LEA soap stick from Connaught a go. Should it suit then the full puck of soap is also availble. Glycerine, Tallow, easy lathered, good protection and slip, what's not to love.

JohnnyO. o/
I see that some soaps don't come in a plastic bowl like Proraso. That means I need a bowl to buy for my future soaps. Can't anyone suggest a brand or do you think that any bowl will do?
Don't know what your definition of cheap is, but some ideas for you - based purely on the ones that I use regularly:

Institute Karite, Tabac and Czech & Speake all perform really well and lather much easier for me than MWF. Although I do use MWF, it's a bit more effort that the others and not quite as 'creamy'.

I also have some original Klar Seifen from a 1 kilo block - but I'm not sure if the current offering is the same. I'd place this somewhere in front of MWF but just behind the other three in terms of latherability and creaminess.

What I find important is to get the puck into a container that gives enough room to put the full brush in when loading. I always keep big glass soap containers (such as MdeC) when they are empty as I find most pucks will fit in with plenty of depth to spare. So, a puck of C&Z becomes affordable on it's own whereas the same soap in a container is a silly price.
Thank you all for your answers! I'll keep in mind most of the things you said. Now, forgetting about the budget limit, would you recommend me this soap I encountered today called Taylor Of Old Bond Street - Sandalwood? I admit that the price is high enough for me to buy right now and the wooden bowl that comes with it is a buy bait. But if anyone of you has used this, I'd like to hear how it does perform.
Thanks, but Proraso Green is my current soap. I don't like it at all. It's very sticky! It sticks on my face and it sticks on my blade, making it impossible to make it go way between strokes. I hate that soap! :(

I have yet to try Palmolive though. I have heard good things about it. :)

Use more water, in fact test it to destruction by keep adding water until the lather's too thin to use. I bet that somewhere between then and where you are now you'll hit your stride with it. If not, I bet someone will take it off your hands.

Palmolive is excellent, there truly is no better value in shaving.
Thank you all for your answers! I'll keep in mind most of the things you said. Now, forgetting about the budget limit, would you recommend me this soap I encountered today called Taylor Of Old Bond Street - Sandalwood? I admit that the price is high enough for me to buy right now and the wooden bowl that comes with it is a buy bait. But if anyone of you has used this, I'd like to hear how it does perform.
It is not bad at all. ToBS Sandalwood was my first 'premium' soap as it were. Other soaps I would recommend that are pretty cheap and in their own containers are Cella (sweet almondy-ness) & Arko (lemon fresh urinal cake). Scents are a bit open to debate, but they are good performers.
I have tried that. Believe me, that's not the case. I watched various You Tube videos where other users admit that it's not very slick as well.
Don't forget that water quality is a big variable. In my area, water is pretty hard so I add a couple of drops of glycerine to my bowl before lathering - it certainly helps some soaps, others don't need it.
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