Brown Sauce

The foreign gloop factories no longer warrant your loyalty and besides Daddies is just a grim vinegar sugar solution and they reformulated HP a few years ago (although it still contains tamarind).

I haven't tried it but at least it's made here...


Tastes quite similar to HP Fruity. Good stuff
It's actually made for export to the far east, so oriental grocers are a good source
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Having been 'on the sauce' since I was 7 or 8 years old, this is my list of what's out there:

Overall Winner - Wilkin & Sons Tiptree. Rounded balanced taste, needs a good whack on the bottle to get it out
Best Value - Hammonds Chop Sauce. Sits between HP traditional and fruity in terms of taste and still made in blighty. Sold by Morrisons - £1.50 for 700ml

The Rest:
OK Sauce - Similar to HP Fruity before it was shunted over to the Netherlands. Good, but hard to track down (try oriental supermarkets)
HP - Reasonable, but same story as real ales moved 100's of miles from the original brewery
HP Fruity - as above
Branston - tastes a bit too much like the pickle for my liking
Daddies - as previously commented. Gloop

The Foreign Legion
Chef (Ireland) - Decent rounded traditional sauce. Fairly easy to find in the UK for a £1 or so
A1 Steak Sauce (USA) - Good effort from the US of A - £Â£
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I haven't tasted brown sauce in years, I certainly have very fond memories whenever I think of the lovely stuff it takes me back to my school days sitting in the local Italian cafes with a creamy coffee and a absolutely delicious steam pie smoothered in HP brown sauce, I often have a reflective moment at least 6 times a year where I wish I could find an Italian cafe with one of those fantastic huge chrome coffee machines with the Eagle on the top where they use to steam the pie's.
I used to love driving to work over the Aston expressway with the smell of the HP sauce factory filling my nostrils,but when it was bought out,closed and moved to the Netherlands I won't touch the stuff on principle.

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