Brown Sauce

I like brown sauce, to be specific, HP brown sauce.

Many is the time I have been in a cafe or hotel and when offered by the waitress 'red or brown?' Have returned with (surely you meant 'pink or brown?' - Bad taste joke - sorry) 'is it HP?'

You see, I can spot HP, I can tell if it's a knock off or been adulterated with vinegar, in the way that some can tell the difference between Best, 2 & 3 Band - that I can't do!

But for the last 2 days, I have been walking on the wild side. They don't have HP at this hotel, they have Tiptrees. And it's really quite good. It's not trying to to out-spice HP, it's a bit 'fruitier' and has a less runny texture. I think from now on we may be stocking 2 brands of Brown Sauce at home. or are there even more hidden brown gems out there????
Where does one acquire this Tiptrees? I must say, I've never heard of it before not have I come across anything that has approached HP. It'll be interesting to see if there are any hidden gems out there.

Subscribed. A brother in HP brown sauce.
Tiptree's brown and red for me too. I've always liked the brown but I'm a more recent convert to the ketchup, I had a little whinge the brown sauce was the consistency of....well you can imagine my horror as my sausage was drowning in a brown puddle (careful).

They graciously apologised and sent me a case of all their vintages so I'm a big fan (except for their bbq), well worth the extra pence. - stylish bottle, as befits the south but hardly Portsmouth!
To be fair, we are talking individual, sealed, pots of sauce and the hotel is apparently in Southsea, not Pompey as previously thought. For those of a curious disposition, Southsea is sort of a Southport of the erm.. South, but with fewer Scousers and more sea!

Edit. Currently sat at Gunwharf talent spotting with a brew while Mrs M and my niece go retail mental.
Since HP is now produced abroad it'll be good to find a UK-made replacement: colour me enabled.

OK / OK Fruity is another player; never tried it personally.
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The foreign gloop factories no longer warrant your loyalty and besides Daddies is just a grim vinegar sugar solution and they reformulated HP a few years ago (although it still contains tamarind).

I haven't tried it but at least it's made here...

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To be fair, we are talking individual, sealed, pots of sauce and the hotel is apparently in Southsea, not Pompey as previously thought. For those of a curious disposition, Southsea is sort of a Southport of the erm.. South, but with fewer Scousers and more sea!

Edit. Currently sat at Gunwharf talent spotting with a brew while Mrs M and my niece go retail mental.
Used to study in Portsmouth your in the right location for talent spotting! Tiger tiger as a student was like an advent calendar at xmas.
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