Breakfast - Most Important Meal of the Day??


Woburn Sands, Bucks
It may or may not be. I don't know but there is doubt that a fine breakfast can set you up for the day.

If I could choose from anything it would be the following

Pot of strong Assam Tea taken from a large porcelain mug
Thick crusty white toast with butter and Bitter Seville Orange Marmalade
Followed by kippers and scrambled eggs

That would do it for me. What a treat.

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs is probably the best that I've had. It was at The Alderley Edge hotel, so I wouldn't have expected any less!

I find that kippers stay with me for the rest of the day - so it's smoked haddock with poached eggs that I prefer.

Incidentally, I've never mastered poached eggs so I came up with a method that's failsafe - a square of cling film lighted oiled and then put into a ramakin dish with the sides overlapping the edge - break the egg into the ramakin then seal the film. Four minutes in rolling water is perdect for medium poached.
The best breakfast? The one lovingly put in front of me.

No one would offer me fish for breakfast and everyone knows, on pain of instant, agonising death, not to bring smoked fish - excepting mackerel - through my front door. I cannot be near the smell so breakfast at a hotel is potentially problematic. Only happened once though and I was able to move to a window and open it.

Back in the day, a fish course was served with every meal so I must have sat with it nearby. Fuck alone knows how I got round it but here I am to prove I did!
Lightly set scrambled egg on sour dough with a few rashers of streaky bacon.

This guy changed my scrambled eggs forever...
I think it is ... but perhaps timing is more important. I tend to "break fast" around noon with a light salad and something fatty proteiny on - mackerel, perhaps chicken or prawns with avocado or avocado oil, olive oil, cottage cheese, most definitely an egg, usually boiled. Yeah, it's my dinner, but equally my "break fast".

Weekends, I get something cooked but again it will be very late morning, scrambled eggs, kippers (yeah!), lamb's liver, sometimes a Kedgeree. Tea, naturally.
Too many combo's to list. Most typres of bread lightly toasted. Eggs scrabled or poached. Almost always with avocado. If avo's are not available I pan fry coarsely chopped garlic til about to turn then drop a load of baby spinach leaves in to wilt. Cold smoked salmon is my current favourite other protein. I also have crispy bacon or black pudding or lambs fry on a fairly regular basis.
The works please...

Pudding (B+W)
Baked Beans
Egg (Free Range - Rich Orange Yoke - Poached, Scrambled (with a little shredded smoked ham or Fried)
Hash Brown
Toast w butter
Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice (with a hit of lime juice)

...Then I wake up a remember my cholesterol was 6.4 when last checked and reach for the All Bran.
UKRob said:
I find that kippers stay with me for the rest of the day - so it's smoked haddock with poached eggs that I prefer.

Incidentally, I've never mastered poached eggs so I came up with a method that's failsafe - a square of cling film lighted oiled and then put into a ramakin dish with the sides overlapping the edge - break the egg into the ramakin then seal the film. Four minutes in rolling water is perdect for medium poached.

With poached eggs the fresher the better. Break egg into a receptacle, such as a ramekin, bring small pan to a boil, add a dash or two of vinegar, stir to get a vortex going and pour in the egg. The coldness of the egg will reduce the temperature of the water so pop on the lid for a few seconds to encourage the water back to boiling. Give the water a stir every so often and remove when the yolk looks to your taste. Remove with slotted spoon and drain... then onto a freshly buttered muffin.
A picture worth a thousand words


although I'd probably fry one of those slices.
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