bloody weather

I made it by the way, sitting by a roaring open fire. Down by the Mexican border. Over excited nephews fueled by candy canes and other sugary things. Just finished putting out hay, soaked beets and carrots for the raindeer.

This feels oddly christmassy even with coyotes howling in the distance.
Walked the dogs yesterday morning in glorious spring sunshine, snowdrops and crocuses in bloom, jacket round my waist blah blah blah...
I saw my first newborn lambs of the year, and I had myself convinced that spring had sprung at last.

Then this morning I woke up to an inch of snow, and it hasn't stopped all day! The lambs will be frozen fresh!

Bring on summer. I hope this year that it's on a week when I'm home.
Smell The Glove said:
Walked the dogs yesterday morning in glorious spring sunshine, snowdrops and crocuses in bloom, jacket round my waist blah blah blah...
I saw my first newborn lambs of the year, and I had myself convinced that spring had sprung at last.

Then this morning I woke up to an inch of snow, and it hasn't stopped all day! The lambs will be frozen fresh!

Bring on summer. I hope this year that it's on a week when I'm home.

No snow here, but it did snow on Saturday and Sunday night.

I must admit I am starting to get very fed up with all of this rain/snow though :(

The ground around here is absolutely sodden and the burns and rivers are flowing extremely well.

Having a summer would be nice. Last June was a pretty decent month, but July and August were keek wth July being the third wettest ever July since records began in Scotland, pffft!
well spring is certainly here in my parts :cool: , looking out thw kitchen window I can see 3 grass fires, and my station clocked 19 grass fires alone over the weekend, just hope the nice weather holds out as we are having a BBQ birthday party for the daughter on saturday (proberly rain now I have said that :oops: )

At least I can now sit outside rather than on the sofa indoors all the time :p
Evvaa said:
well spring is certainly here in my parts :cool: , looking out thw kitchen window I can see 3 grass fires, and my station clocked 19 grass fires alone over the weekend, just hope the nice weather holds out as we are having a BBQ birthday party for the daughter on saturday (proberly rain now I have said that :oops: )

At least I can now sit outside rather than on the sofa indoors all the time :p

Even if you had a jerry can full of petrol you would struggle to start a grass fire up here at the moment...
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