Accidently bought a Palmolive Stick

Oh, if you want a synthetic ...

Muhle Silvertip fibre really is excellent. 23mm makes for a perfect brush in my opinion, not too large, not too small. Like Nick, I've had the Omega Barberpole on my wish list for some time. They also do that fibre in wooden handles, which do look good. Don't mess about - if you want a synthetic, get the Muhle. If you just wanted to dip your toe and try one, well, the Kent Infinity Silvertex is excellent and only a tenner.

They're all lovely and soft. The Body Shop brush is a tad stronger, older fibre technology and in many respects more like a boar bristle on the face. Depending upon how ardent you are, horse brushes are made from hair groomed from the horse as it is brushed. That could, of course be a rosy view of it and in fact there's a bunch of horses tied up in lines having their hair extracted akin to Angora wool ... on the lighter side, it's still animal exploitation if you look on it as that. Okay, scratch that idea. Synthetic, it is ...

For soap, we have an abundance of choices, but you could look to Nanny's Silly Soaps (Sharon posts here as Soapal Chemist) who makes vegan friendly soaps. Wickham's, although no longer in production, can still be found and he kept to small scale and ethical production. Maybe our man at OSP can make a vegan friendly soap. Le Pere Lucien is a superb soap, too, just coconut oil saponified and really very pure. Meissner Tremonia make superb soaps, just watch out for honey in some of theirs.
... and there are of course the Plisson brushes to be considered.
I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, but I'm curious, so I've just sent messages to MÜHLE, Omega and Plisson about the 'veganicity' of the adhesives used in their brushes. Should be interesting to see if they can be bothered to answer and if they make their customer service departments work at this time of year.
... and there are of course the Plisson brushes to be considered.
I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, but I'm curious, so I've just sent messages to MÜHLE, Omega and Plisson about the 'veganicity' of the adhesives used in their brushes. Should be interesting to see if they can be bothered to answer and if they make their customer service departments work at this time of year.
I've got responses from Omega and Plisson so far. Omega are closed until Jan 7. Good on them.
Plisson have confirmed that their synthetic brushes contain no animal products whatsoever.
At MÜHLE even the out-of-office auto responder seems to be on holiday. :p
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