Accidently bought a Palmolive Stick

I'm not exactly new to DE shaving (or shaving in general!), but there's a lot of history I've still yet to learn. So when I saw a Palmolive stick next to a styptic pen for the bargain price of 75p, I thought I'd found a cheaper blood-stopper...

You folks will have spotted my error, but also, it seems, my luck! The stick seems to come recommended around these parts for a good shave.

My only questions are... how do I use it? And how long should I expect it to last? I'm used to the plastic bowl Prorasso soap, with a brush/bowl.

Thanks in advance! ;)
To use any shaving stick I just peel back the foil for an inch ir so and lather it whilst holding. Once I've got a fair amount of soap on the brush I face lather, adding more soap if required. I believe some shavers wet the stick and rub it over the area to be shaved prior to working it in with a wet brush. Or, you can soften it in a microwave and wedge it into a shaving bowl. Believe you'll find that your serendippity purchase works well whatever method you find suits you best.

JohnnyO. o/
Thanks to all for your help - I shall donate it to family. I'd send it to someone here, but I doubt anyone would be interested ;) PM me if anyone is!
Wet the stick, rub onto stubble, build lather on face using wet brush. Couldn't be easier and provides an excellent shave.

It does contain tallow, so if you're one of those vegetarian types it may not fit into your dietary preferences. Not that you should be eating soap anyway. ;)

Thanks, Chris! Ha - I'm even worse I'm afraid (vegan). Though I bet The Body Shop soaps taste just as bad ;)


Shouldn't you be growing a beard and knitting sandals out of Tofu, or summat?

I'm sure there will be some of us that see shaving as cruelty against animals :D
And I couldn't manage a beard, my Flat White would stain it riding my vintage bicycle to the hipster fayre :eek:
.... not forgetting, of course, tofu tastes awful :D
What type of brush are you using?
Currently, the Bluebeards Revenge one. I used to use The Body Shop brush, until they started making it differently and the head would fall out! I'm in the market for a new synthetic brush, if you have a recommendation at all please?

Thanks! :)
Well I'm not 100% sure what adhesives are used in the production of the brushes but the current Muhle and Edwin Jagger's receive great reviews. Omega S-brush is something else to think about. I'd contact the manufactures of the brushes you shortlist, to enable you to make a truly ethical choice.
Well I'm not 100% sure what adhesives are used in the production of the brushes but the current Muhle and Edwin Jagger's receive great reviews. Omega S-brush is something else to think about. I'd contact the manufactures of the brushes you shortlist, to enable you to make a truly ethical choice.

Thank you very much Gordy! I'll look in to them. The Bluebeard's brush has seen better days, and I've never bought a real quality brush before. Appreciate your advice!
Not had any issues with my Body Shop synthetic brush, but have heard of those that have (seems to be finish damage allowing moisture ingress deep into the wood, possibly expanding and loosening the glue bond).

I'm considering an Omega barberpole synthetic to add to my collection, a nice option indeed.

That said, morbid curiosity, how do vegans deal with plastic? It used to be an animal once upon a time in some form or another (in as much as the oil used to make plastic is rotted dinosaur).
Not had any issues with my Body Shop synthetic brush, but have heard of those that have (seems to be finish damage allowing moisture ingress deep into the wood, possibly expanding and loosening the glue bond).

I'm considering an Omega barberpole synthetic to add to my collection, a nice option indeed.

That said, morbid curiosity, how do vegans deal with plastic? It used to be an animal once upon a time in some form or another (in as much as the oil used to make plastic is rotted dinosaur).

Thanks Nick - I may give The Body Shop another go, as it isn't a great expense :) They're hiding the mens products well on their website these days though, aren't they!

In regards to plastic - everyone is different of course (some people eat honey but still see themselves as vegan, for example) but I've never heard of anyone avoiding it for animal welfare reasons. The main concern is animals being used for human benefit, to the detriment (pain, suffering or death) of the animal. As creatures weren't purposefully fossilised for oil/plastic, it passes :)
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