Above The Tie Slants

Ben88 said:
Ferrum, I am looking forward to hearing your opinion. They certainly are finely crafted razors aren't they.

Today is the first go with the OC head, mounted on a stainless shaving.ie 96mm handle. Personna Red blade (palm-stropped), De Vergulde Hand soap and Vie-Long butterscotch horsehair brush.

It's everything I like - as smooth as silk and as sharp as can be. Two passes and an under-jaw touch up and that's it. The razor is, like other ATTs, very manoeuvrable, and, for me, the right point between mild and aggressive. Little if any pressure is needed with this handle and, again common to ATTs, there's plenty of audible feedback, which I favour.

The precision machining and engineering in it is first-class. A smidgen of attention is needed when loading the blade, especially with thin blades, although the blade can only go in correctly (unlike the occasional fiddling needed with the Ikon Slant). It's necessary to become attuned to how the blade sits non-parallel in relation to the top cap i.e. it's not loaded wrongly.

All in all, it meets and exceeds my expectations, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the Safety Bar plate does.
Good to hear you confirming others' opinions about the new slants. I'm eagerly waiting for mine to arrive. At present they're still in transit in the US so hopefully should get mine in a week or so. ATT have been waiting for stock to arrive which has added a couple of weeks to my order.

Shave on... slantilly.
First shave with my newly acquired Kronos Slant S1 this evening. I was surprised at how mild this razor is. Very comfortable shave though and gets the job done. Not as efficient as the iKon Slant to my mind, which was a ferocious shaving tool by comparison and would make my face sore if I used any pressure with it.

Anyway, the S1 a very nice shaver indeed but I'll need to live with it for a while before I can be really sure of what it has to offer over the M1 and R1 heads.

I really enjoy my M2 on the Kronos handle. It gives a very efficient shave, especially on my neck where my other razors always leave visible hair behind in some way shape or form. My only gripe is I always seem to get some irritation/burn post shave with it. My Merkur 37c for example is the polar opposite yet is considered a middle of the road razor as is the M2 in terms of aggression.

The angle seems to be fine as I get good audible feedback. I've also tried a variety of blades which usually give me smooth shaves (Astra SP, Lab Blues etc)
This an update really.
I have been using my S2 now for the last week. This has replaced my R1 as my daily razor. I really did not think it would be smoother than my R1 but it is. I can tell how good a shave I've had based on the next days stubble - not much to shave the next day.

Whats interesting about this razor is how smooth it is (I've been using a Gillette Silver Blue blade in it). I have to remind myself its a slant I'm using.

I can whole heartedly recommend the S2 razor as the smoothest slant I've used (I've previously used an ikon, Merkur 39c, Apollo).
I was thinking of buying the combo, is it free international shipping if over $150? When at the checkout its charging $23 for shipping. Please let me know if you were charged. Cheers
As always, I'm happy to be corrected; but a quick look at the ATT site in the US seemed to show me an S2 Open Comb Slant head at £146 USD plus 56 USD for a Colossus long handle plus about 25 USD shipping (and I don't know about insurance but assume it's extra?) That seemed to total 226 USD (£146) plus any insurance costs and presumably plus VAT which according to an online calculator was about £30. With insurance this must come to about £185.

ES in Scotland show the same thing (but with the Kronos handle) for £155 (less 10%) so for about £140 plus a couple of quid postage you get the same thing. I expect I'm missing a trick here, so hope someone will shed some light on my misguided musings.
Executive Shaving sell the whole razors but not individual baseplates. I bought my first ATT from them and they were great to deal with; a little more expensive than direct from ATT themselves but you have no wait, no customs or PO handling fees, so could be cheaper when you factor in all those.
My baseplates took a month to arrive when ordered from ATT direct, then add on customs and PO bribe.

If you are getting a whole razor (the Kronos handle is excellent) I'd say ES every time but when it comes to individual baseplates (and caps, which are different for slants) then it's either the US or buying another handle from ES.

Personally, I'd recommend trying a Merkur 37c slant first before shelling out a lot of dosh for a SS razor. Make sure you like slants first - but I have to say the S1/S2 ATT slants are just lovely.
As of today I can add my name to the Slanterati in waiting.

ATT S2 Kronos ordered from Executive Shaving (along with some nice smellies x2 and some Kent soap plus some Tabac soap).

The smellies are Agua de Colognia Concentrada Natural and Arran Aromatics Driftwood (both on offer).

Absolutely superb service from Brian and Caroline at ES. Couldn't have asked for more.

A fellow member has kindly arranged to forward his Weber for me to try for a week. Looking forward very much to that. However, much as will pain me, I won't be able to try the S2 until the Weber's been returned. Not the end of the world though and I'm sure both the Weber and the S2 will be both interesting and enjoyable.
Miles853 said:
Once you get hold of the S2 Stan give us your views

Certainly will, Miles. But the trouble is I've only been at it for a couple of months and, compared to the Masters, I admit to not being able to differentiate some of the subtleties that I see referred to on the forums (especially the US ones...but also here too).

For example, as you'll know, I have the R41 (later model) as well as the R89. One fierce and one mild. But in my ignorant bliss I seem to get on with both now, albeit one needs more care than the other and as long as I take it easy I can avoid bloodshed now with both items. And of my current six different blades (more on order) I really can't tell a vast difference between any of them...and similarly I get on OK with all the different soaps and creams in my armoury. Whether this is due to the elaborate pre shave applications I don't know.

I'm no better with wine, though. A red is a red and a white is....you get the idea.

I'll stick my various possessions in my Profile so you can have a laugh at my expense and wonder at my amateurish experimentation.
DevonStan said:
...I'll stick my various possessions in my Profile so you can have a laugh at my expense and wonder at my amateurish experimentation.

I've just read your profile acquisitions list. That's a good idea. I must say you've acquired quite a bit in such a short time, you might have the record of this parish.

One request though, Stan. Can you change your avatar? I think I've seen enough of that face for a while.
How's that, FC? A few serene beach huts overlooking the sea at Dawlish Warren. (taken by my goodself on a summer's day when I was in a happy-snappy frame of mind).
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