3-5 Soaps

Macca Root
Lea shaving stick

Honorable but boring mention to TOBS sandalwood.

I am very keen to try OSP though, P&B Spitfire, and this Wickhams (sp?) stuff. Recent jettisons include that Blue's Goat Soap (not a bad leather, smelt like chemicals). This month's comeback kids include Proraso creams, especially the green. I had written them off, but a general improvement in my shaving ability and lathering skills means that these workmanlike options deserve a place in the shaving world, if not at the top of the ladder (think Stoke City).

I'm not getting great lathers with the Lea shave stick at the moment? Decent but not great.
I'm not getting great lathers with the Lea shave stick at the moment? Decent but not great.

I give it a really solid rub on my face. It cost me less than 2 euros, so why not work it hard. I am also finding it needs a fairly continuous face lather, dip brush tip in water, face lather, dip brush tip in water, and repeat for a bit longer than other lathers.

I don't rate it particularly for producing mountains of lather. I think it makes a good, creamy surface that is smooth and protective to shave with. Not that great to look at, but good to have on your face. Like an old girlfriend.
I give it a really solid rub on my face. It cost me less than 2 euros, so why not work it hard. I am also finding it needs a fairly continuous face lather, dip brush tip in water, face lather, dip brush tip in water, and repeat for a bit longer than other lathers.

I don't rate it particularly for producing mountains of lather. I think it makes a good, creamy surface that is smooth and protective to shave with. Not that great to look at, but good to have on your face. Like an old girlfriend.

Not felt that it was detrimental to the shave but as you say, gets thw job done none the less
Loved anything by B&M, MWF and a few more but I'm moving away from tallow so the only 2 that have made the cut are:

Soap Commaner Rose
That's the first three sorted now for the runners up:
TOBS Sandalwood,
Proraso green,
Haslinger Schafmilch,

Simpsons rosemary and peppermint,
Sudsey Soapery Lavender and peppermint,
Body Shop Maca
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