Wolf Whiskers list is open...

Jesus wept, that's it.... I am seriously thinking of taking a break from TSR. I am generally good with buying stuff, but I had a little cash to burn, and boy have I burnt it this week. It can't continue.... there may be another one of my beautiful brushes for sale soon.... :-(

On a more positive note..... #137 on the list!!!! Wooohoooo!!! :)

I am planning to just buy handle and put in own knot, worked very well last time.

Well.... life's short....
Same! I'm beginning to appreciate that my shaves are at the best level (manufacture) possible. It is now down to technique and minor changes (e.g. soap and blade) as opposed to new equipment. Especially considering the cost involved.

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Think it's an issue of posting badger hair outside of the US, similar issue with Paladin brushes. Have you used/owned a synthetic from WW before? Any pointers as to the knot?

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And nope, this will be my first, if I when the time comes get one :)
Think it's an issue of posting badger hair outside of the US, similar issue with Paladin brushes. Have you used/owned a synthetic from WW before? Any pointers as to the knot?

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I got a handle last time and glued in my own knot, it was easy. If you want to do this though make sure you get the knot first so you can give Peter accurate measurements. Just because they say it's a 26mm on a website doesn't mean it will accurately measure this, so you could end up with issues.

And Envy Shave gets his knots from ...?
China. I don't know which manufacturer.
Wolf Whiskers gets his synthetic knots from Envy Shave, his badgers from TGN (the golden nib) and occasionally from Envy Shave as well.

As for their supplier? Who knows. Could be Ace Shaving, Virginia Sheng, Frank's, Heaven Horse, or any number of other vendors.
How about his Evolution HMW knots? I got one by 'accident' - and a discount - last time and I'm getting another this. Brilliant knot.

Does anyone have a WW butterscotch handle? Are they yellow or what I want - a deep golden with some much stirred in - earthy, old looking?
Does anyone have a WW butterscotch handle? Are they yellow or what I want - a deep golden with some much stirred in - earthy, old looking?
Not mine.
Oh it was just a guess based on the 'riv...' :)
And a good guess it was. It is me. Except I don't want or need a brush. I'd remove myself from the list if it was still open. As it stands, I'll stay on the list and when its my turn I might offer my brush to a TSR member further down than #60.
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