Overhyped products???

I have watched a few YouTube videos on our hobby. Mainly when new, trying to see how to wield a straight razor without killing myself in the process. I sometimes watch them if it's a subject or product that interests me. But I have to be honest, I always feel slightly odd, thinking "what if my mates or the birds at work knew I spent my evenings watching middle aged geezers in vests shaving?!" It's a bit voyeuristic, at least to an outsider.

No Derek, sorry Clive. It does NOT give me the 'orn!
No man should watch another man in the bathroom doing bathroom things, it's just not right. And a man who want's other men to watch him in the bathroom is even worse, I'm gonna go puke now.
...But I have to be honest, I always feel slightly odd, thinking "what if my mates or the birds at work knew I spent my evenings watching middle aged geezers in vests shaving?!"...

Relax, we believe you. Well, sort of....

I am not sure why everyone is hating on YouTuber's. I watch some occasionally. Some are awesome er awful, such as Nick Shaves, others are quite entertaining if you are stuck on a train surrounded by Geordie kids watching Peppa Pig without head phones...
I quite like some shaving videos, although prefer the instructional ones like how to hone, or suchlike. I liked Kevy Shaves' visit to London shaving shops. On the one hand it saved me a trip, yet on the other hand it made me even more likely to go and do the same trip myself. I had better leave the plastic at home that day.
I'd say when you are starting off it can be slightly more difficult, as there can be a grey area between watching reviews and researching what to buy where you may end up watching the influencers peddling the free wares they have been sent for likes and subscriptions. Forums give a more rounded appreciation of what's good or crap, I've drifted away from YouTube and now spend way too much time here instead.
As soon as I see, hear or smell a so-called “influencer” or celebrity I run in the other direction, backwards. What is it with all this “influencer” rubbish? Are people today so devoid of critical thought that they can’t make decisions on their own?
should have been on the shaving forums when "darkbulb" was reverred as a god.. people got hung on forums for doubting that a green chrome finish would make a razor shave better then the silver chrome finish, etc.
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