SOTD : Saturday 9th April - Friday 15th April 2022.

Monday SOTD


Blackland Vector / Schick Proline
Spiffo "Castillo"24mm HMW SHD Fan
Tabac Tallow Formula & Aftershave Lotion
Smooth, efficient, 2-pass shave with the Vector. Took Rosie to a local wildlife management area.


SOTD: 10/04/23
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Hone Type 15 Rhodium Replate
Sebum Aqua
Leonidam Brush
Sebum Aqua Post-Shave Serum
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I received my Hone Type 15 back from Razor Emporium a while ago, following their Rhodium revamp service and It turned out beautiful!
Was skeptical about the polished finish affecting the handle grip, but no lackluster issues to report on that front.
Thanks to @hdb3326 for the opportunity of acquiring the original stock type 15
Absolutely stunning, glad she has found a good home and is being exceptionally well looked after.

Very cool soap / cream container as well!
Monday 11th April

Vulfix 404B Badger - Signature Soaps Capra - FaTip Lo Storto OC/Treet Platinum #9 - Lustray Bay Rum

Another excellent result. Unbelievably for me there is still life left in the blade. It is still as smooth as it ever was. One more shave and I will call it a day as I have other 'stuff' I want to use.
3 passes for a shave which was 'Practically Perfect in Every Way' :)

Didn't shave yesterday - too hungover from a nice function I went to on Saturday.

So, as I was going to try the Feather like shavette on Sunday, I used it today with a pro-guard blade fitted.

I gave myself a little nick on a XTG, for some reason, I can manage WTG and ATG, but each time XTG using something akin to a straight and I go all cack-handed, which is strange as it's always my right hand that manages to nick me. Probably a good job I got the guarded blades!

To finish up and make me nice and smooth, I switched to the M2 on setting 5-6.

More practice needed, but was taking far too long for a work day shave! Hence the swap over to the SE to quickly finish up.

I can hear everyone saying "Practice, practice, practice!"

Back on my head, work to do (assuming everyone knows that joke)



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Pre - Shower
Brush - Alpha Outlaw Titanium V1 Synth
Soap - 1912 Irish Fern
Razor - PILS 101 NL Hi Polished "Thor's Hammer"
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Tonyschin's Orange & Neroli Argan Oil
A/S - Pashana
Wk 15 (3).JPG
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.
Razor = Blackland Dart
Blade = Astra SP ( 1 )
Brush = Alpha 400 Travel
Soap = Signature Capra Derventio
Splash = La Toja
Balm = Barts Balms Ben Lomond
First use of the Dart for me in a good few months & still i’m feeling it rough.
I took my time with every stroke yet still 4 weepers, and all the weepers were from xtg
perhaps that’s telling me a story.
I was concentrating with every stroke like my life depended on it but still weepers.
I actually know i’m doing it.
Twice i just touched my face with the razor slightly heavier than normal & bang a weeper.
I might put this one away for a rainy day,
No to hang with it i’ll give it another go soon.
The Soap was absolutely top drawer & the first goats milk soap base iv tried.
For my own sort of made up records i tried to criticise the soap, i sort of wanted something not to be right
weird i know but that’s me,
Got to tell it how it is right or there’s just no point.
Anyway they more i tried i couldn’t find a single fault,
From the amount of soap you need to the performance & scent the packaging were just too drawer.
I got this as freebie from Brian after a purchase to have a go at the goats milk & Brian i can’t thank you enough.
You really do have one of the highest end products out there without the price tag.
Once i get home from Norway i reckon i need a few more including splashes.
the mix and match i used today just doesn’t go really but hey sometimes we just have to make do.
Overall although i had 4 weepers it was still a class shave with great products.
Onwards & Upwards
Stay Safe
Boys & Girls
SOTD: 10/04/23
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Hone Type 15 Rhodium Replate
Sebum Aqua
Leonidam Brush
Sebum Aqua Post-Shave Serum
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I received my Hone Type 15 back from Razor Emporium a while ago, following their Rhodium revamp service and It turned out beautiful!
Was skeptical about the polished finish affecting the handle grip, but no lackluster issues to report on that front.
Thanks to @hdb3326 for the opportunity of acquiring the original stock type 15
That looks amazing. I bet it feels smooth on the skin not like the draggy aluminium I had.
Evening all,

Another day, another go with the Ambassador!

Prep, hot water and flannel
Brush, Simpsons
Razor, Rex Ambassador (setting 2.5 throughout)
Blade, Supermax Diamond Edge (2nd use)
Cream, Simpsons Sandalwood
ASB, Simsons Sandalwood
A/S, Bond Classic
Music, PreFab Sprout

So as per my last post I waited an extra day due to a little irritation suffered during my last shave. Down to operator error i feel. The cream lathered up very well, a nice inoffensive old school scent. Went on easily and provided a good surface to work on. The Ambassador continues to deal with with what's put in front of / under it with undoubted efficiency and ease. Even when dialled down. I think i'll try the next shave on 2 throughout before maybe dialling back up for the initial first pass.And then dialling down a little. So maybe something like a 5-3-2, or similar.

Happy with the results, another nice, clean and close shave. No irritation, cuts, weepers etc. Just a good shave, what's not to like.

Have a good evening all.


Monday 11th April

Soap • OSP Barber Shop
Brush • Simpson Trafalgar T3
Razor • Pearl Flexi
Blade • Schick Plus Platinum (6)
Post • Pinaud Clubman Aftershave

I had to remind myself that other razors were in the den, having been getting it on with my Stainless Timeless for the last half a dozen or so shaves.
This Pearl Flexi gives fuss free, smooth shaves whatever blade I choose.
Vintage Schick blade, still doing the business six shaves in.
OSP soap has high lubricity, allowing the blade to cut and glide with very little user input.
I seem to aleays use Pinaud Clubman Aftershave when I use this Barber Shop scent soap, purely because I don't know what else to use instead. Anyway, it seems to match pretty well to my nose at least.
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