Other forums?

Most are rigorously moderated by "study hall monitor" types with no sense of humor and Gestapo like tendencies. Years ago this very forum had a huge "schism" over moderation and some departed & formed the ATG forum. There are many "cross" posters here that frequent both as a matter of fact. I only post on one more wet shaving forum which I won't name, but it has become a refuge for true "addicts" with more money than sense and the snob factor can be tsunami level. It has a Wolfman razor thread that is currently on page 511!! :oops: I think the mods there tolerate it as if they were to "clean house" the site would implode like Mexico without drug revenue. :rolleyes:

It's a good time to give an "Attaboy" to Tony here as the new mod. as he has done a stellar job. (y)
This forum does for me - it's the only social media I engage in - if you can class it as such. Otherwise - no facebook - no twitter - no instagram - no youtube. Before I discovered TSR I briefly joined an American based site - not B&B - the other one - what a bunch of uptight, hypocritical and elitist wankers. The moderators anyway. I'm happy here. I find a real sense of community. Generally - it is a positive experience - we are mostly nice and supportive of each other. Yours - I.
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Most are rigorously moderated by "study hall monitor" types with no sense of humor and Gestapo like tendencies. Years ago this very forum had a huge "schism" over moderation and some departed & formed the ATG forum. There are many "cross" posters here that frequent both as a matter of fact. I only post on one more wet shaving forum which I won't name, but it has become a refuge for true "addicts" with more money than sense and the snob factor can be tsunami level. It has a Wolfman razor thread that is currently on page 511!! :oops: I think the mods there tolerate it as if they were to "clean house" the site would implode like Mexico without drug revenue. :rolleyes:

It's a good time to give an "Attaboy" to Tony here as the new mod. as he has done a stellar job. (y)

Agree. Tony's doing a stellar job.

Fine work my Northern friend.

Curiousity, but how does TSR fair against the other shaving forums?

I never really look elsewhere and no intention of ever using another forum. Just a few cats to kill.

TSR is a shaving forum in nature, but I myself and I'm sure others well see it as a support group/online pub for friends who have never met in person.

Or is it the online advertising arm of the Emporium?
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I'm signed up to a couple of others but I don't frequent them, I primarily signed up for BSTs or a random pic that I wanted to see from some obscure shaving hunt and it required a sign up.

I've been made to feel welcome since day one and the banter is grand. It's also rare that I've not been able to find an answer to a random query so no need to go elsewhere (though I will still dip in and out of BSTs because I'm an addict!).
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