Acquisitions 1 August - 31 August

Latest addition to my den:



Beautyful handle.
Is it Stainless or Titanium?

I was looking around for a stand I cloud use for the WDC-6 brush I showed on this thread earlier.
I was not able to find a stand with the right diameter and opening and the common chrome or nickel plated models do not match the brass handle quite well.

I had some 4 mm and 5 mm solid brass rods left in my workshop. After a few hours bending, soldering and polishing last Sunday I ended with a stand which pairs great with the brass handle of the brush, IMO.


Best Regards
I was looking around for a stand I cloud use for the WDC-6 brush I showed on this thread earlier.
I was not able to find a stand with the right diameter and opening and the common chrome or nickel plated models do not match the brass handle quite well.

I had some 4 mm and 5 mm solid brass rods left in my workshop. After a few hours bending, soldering and polishing last Sunday I ended with a stand which pairs great with the brass handle of the brush, IMO.


Best Regards
Looks great Marco, you've got some neat soldering going on there!
I was looking around for a stand I cloud use for the WDC-6 brush I showed on this thread earlier.
I was not able to find a stand with the right diameter and opening and the common chrome or nickel plated models do not match the brass handle quite well.

I had some 4 mm and 5 mm solid brass rods left in my workshop. After a few hours bending, soldering and polishing last Sunday I ended with a stand which pairs great with the brass handle of the brush, IMO.


Best Regards
Well done, cracking job!
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