What are you waiting on to arrive?

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Panta Rei brush. Arrived today. Nice surprise!

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1x Barrister and Mann Roam (the glissant base, produced in a limited amount for the Reddit forum). Got it off a chap in Germany who found it too smoky. It will very likely be on the opposite side of the spectrum for another B&M soap also making its way to me, the petunia, lemon and amber fragranced '42' (yes, obviously, you're right, it is an homage).

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I jumped on the most recent Massdrop Standard Razor sale. It seems from reviews that it is a bit of a marmite razor but sounds like it is worth trying. I also hope i don't end up boosting the Royal Mail share price with their customs fee thievery!
After having just a basic DE boots razor have finally got round to ordering a new razor, am waiting on an Edwin Jagger DE89L and some Sputnik blades to try along with a Russian blade sample pack including Voskhod and Lada blades.
The Voskhods and Ladas are excellent, especially the Ladas. I hate Sputniks hopefully you'll fair better. :)
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