Best Pocket knife

I'd love to air my own thoughts, having been stabbed and had dealings with both perpatrators and victims, however I believe we're maybe verging on the political here so ... I'm out.

Are these pocket knives for self-defence? Because if they are, they're not going to be much good against anyone but another pocket-knife carrying miscreant. The odds of Westerners needing to know how to use a firearm to protect themselves and others has never been greater. You can spout "gun crime statistics" all day long, but a pocket knife is going to be of little use against someone who wants to cut your head off. It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. But that's just an old Texan ranting.

Steve I don't think you will find many individuals who carry a pocket knife in the UK would ever think of a pocket knife as a weapon I know I never have, If I needed to protect myself that much a 3in locking penknife would be the last thing I would ever want to use, better still a 9mm glock 17 Gen 4 or a Walther P99 AS would be a far better option.
I've got a Fallkniven U1 which I'd recommend as it's great quality. Here a few pics from when I first got it when they had a bit of a sale on.







Great looking Swede
I own a few knives, for many different purposes, that's on top of a dozen or so kitchen knives. I've been around knives my whole life and they are nothing more than a tool for a job. The thought of ever using a knife for "self-defence" would never enter into my head, never has, probably never will.
This thinking that has crept into society scares me far more than any miscreant would coming at me with a knife. I dread the day that I would not be allowed to carry a knife when it is deemed necessary for fishing, camping and what have you. I don't need one for going shopping and it wouldn't occur to me to carry one. It's an argument that needs to be settled, the sooner the better.
When I first got here I wore a Swiss Army Knife on my belt as I was working at a nursery. I was stopped and told my knife was illegal offensive weapon and I could be arrested and jailed for it. I was dumbfounded at the knowledge that a Swiss Army Knife could be considered a weapon by any description at all, and that the mere possession could land one in prison with a criminal record. I'm not going to judge, but the differences between our cultures are vast.
As far as the law is concerned any non locking folding knife with a blade under 3 inches isn't illegal. This is Britain though. If they want to send you to jail they will.

A lock knife or fixed blade knife, even if over 3 inches. isn't considered illegal if just reason is declared and believed. Of course the Police in the first instance have to concur with said just reason. Then the CPS if charges are brought, then the judge and ultimately a jury if it goes that far.

Overall Politicians and the media have drip fed the masses to believe knives are illegal end of. ''Carry a knife go to jail'' was the mantra. It wasn't necessarily the law though.

I can't be bothered searching for a link but there was a case a few years back when a retired Brigadier, being searched prior to boarding the Eurostar at Waterloo, produced a Swiss Army knife from his pocket. 'Not allowed on the train'' the officials said, as that was Company policy.
''Fair enough'' replied the Brigadier and handed it over. Not content with that the Eurostar official summoned a copper who decided an offence had been committed. If memory serves the old man was actually arrested at that point but I may be wrong. He definitely ended up at the Police station though and had to accept a caution or be charged. The knife was confiscated.

As far as the law is concerned he had not committed an offence. This is Britain though. Envy of the world.
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