Have you found your best razor or are you still searching

After a few days using the Ikon SB my preference remains with the R89 on the ATT handle. May be it is my skin type, but its feels so much comfier and I feel more at ease with it. The Ikon is great in every respect, but I cannot get the same quality of first pass for some reason.

May be when I have finished the aluminium handle I am working on then the Ikon might be more at home. I shall see

May be I am just a awkward bugger?.....................My wife thinks so
Not yet found my perfect razor yet, but not actively looking.

I have a small number of razors, Gillette Slim Adjustable, Gillette Slim Twist, 7 o'clock open comb, Gillette open comb, Gillette Tech, Russian Super Adjustable, a razor made by a company in Blackpool (forget the name for now...) and a razor made by a company in Manchester.

I use all of them from time to time, the state of my face, pre-shave, usually determining which one will be picked.

I do fancy a modern razor though, but looking at the cost of the ones I fancy I'll hold off, although the draw of a modern slant is getting stronger by the month....
I keep thinking I've found the best in the new ones (Standard, ATT, Hone, Blackbird, Seygus, Ikon, RazoRock etc. at various times), but just when I suppose I have, along comes another. Apart from SEs, I'm hoping for great things from the Fine plastic slant.
But then I go back to my old Gillettes and the like, and renew my love affair with them. Never a dull moment (just some dull blades from time to time).
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