2015: Shaving Hits & Misses

Hits :
Forum reverting back from the doomed upgraded version
Stirling "Kong" Synthetic brush
Discovering Myrsol aftershaves
Personna 74 DE blades
@Nishy and the Coral Vase LE Shavemac ( it's not pink , Carl:))
Saponificio Varesino soaps
Penhaligon's making Sartorial in a cream rather than those awful soaps.

Misses :
Issues with the two Mongoose goons which unfortunately means I won't give them a penny in the future regardless of how good their product is.
A couple of Reef Point and PAA soaps that I liked but didn't like me
Simpson Chubby 2 in Best then laterally Chubby 1 Super. Neither worked for me no matter how much I wanted them to.
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Discovering SE razors - Kai Excelia and Feather AC DX.
Blackland Blackbird (even though I've yet to shave with one.)
Schick Razors
Trufit and Hill 1805 Shaving Cream
Ralph Lauren Safari Soap, AS and EDT.

Still no sign of the Rockwell 6
Hits for me my Hoshi Tombo 8000 a truly fantastic Japanese straight razor another winner for me my Cedric Christ AKA Ali's Blade Custom Hoshi Tombo 500 layer Damascus clone a truly beautiful wonderful creation, also the Catie's Bubbles range of soaps I love them, there have not been many misses for me not many spring to mind Le Pere Lucien soaps the word shitty doesn't even come close, the ShaveNook LE Paladin Lee Sabini brush now the handle was a stunner but yet again those Morris & Forndran knots are very hit and miss can't say I'm a fan of Lee's knots personally having owned a few they are really over hyped, the Rooney Heritage knots are like on a different planet you wouldn't believed they were made by the same company.
Hits. Simpson's Duke 3 & Chubby 1 - most excellent, and for the price of a naff-colour handled shavemac. ADP's blue bottle range - everyone a winner. Tabac, Speick & Institut Karite still sitting as the holy trinity of (personal) shaving perfection.

Misses. MWF. Thought it overrated years ago - gave it another try - meh.
Misses - in the attic ready for another try later, if I can find them.

Hits - an unending supply of new and excellent products to try, old ones to discover, artisan razors
the company, companionship, friendship, wit, humour, knowledge and sharing I find in TSR.

Edit: I missed out trust. I love the trust and trustworthiness we share.
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Misses - in the attic ready for another try later, if I can find them.

Hits - an unending supply of new and excellent products to try, old ones to discover, artisan razors
the company, companionship, friendship, wit, humour, knowledge and sharing I find in TSR.

What he said, more eloquently expressed than I could manage.


Standard Razor
Injector Razors
USA Artisan soaps
Vintage Soaps
Saponificio Varesino
Floid Blue
Fine Aftershave splashes
Plisson Synthetic


Muhle Synthetics
Straight Razors (user error)
The mid year forum upgrade
  • Discovering that wet shaving is NOT a chore.
  • Finding this forum and all the 'forum' friends I've made during this year.
  • The generosity of many members.
  • Discovering vintage Ever Ready and Gem SE's.
  • @OSP soaps. I had a little bit to do with the name, thanks James for using it.
  • @Northam Saint and the Bideford pottery Bowl.
  • @phoenixandbeau tallow soap.
  • Wilkinson Sword blue bowl soap.
  • Many Bay of E auctions.
You had quite a lot to do with the name! Thanks for the suggestion and the permission to use it.
Awesome thread. Please allow me to chime in...

• OneBlade
• AlumiGoose (Mongoose was 2014 for me)
• Barrister & Mann Latha soaps
• New "Glissant" formula from B&M
• Le Grand Chypre scent from B&M
• Barrister & Mann Tonique aftershaves (perfect for my oily skin)
• Plisson-like fibers for custom brushes
• A couple custom "Eagle" brushes with Plisson-like fibers (Fauxmere knots)
• Amouage Jubiltion XXV EdP -- Perfection

• Saponificio Varesino soaps
• Myrsol aftershaves - barely any skincare really
• Large glue bumps in synthetic brushes
• Tiki Bar & Catie's Bubbles soaps - started out a huge fan and now have zero desire to use them. Not sure why.
• HTGAM > PAA > Crown King. What's next???
• Overdone LE items
• Creed fragrances - didn't find a one I would spend $€£ on.
• Everyone and their cousin starting shaving businesses. The boom is exciting, but will take time to separate the wheat from the chaff
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Thanks to @SharpSpine who reminded me of a few more and also giving it some more thought...I'd like to add, to my list;


* Customer Service levels from some companies has been exceptional
ClassicShaving and OneBlade to mention two​
* Connaught. Still one of the best online retailers there is
* TVBShaving - where else can I still find Floid Blue for $28 shipped? :) I now have..uh...six bottles
* Blackland. Thanks to @ShaneS who, in many ways, restored my faith in that Kickstarter can work

* Inflation in LE items. It's to the point where if everything is a limited edition..then nothing is
* Anything HTGAM/PPF/PAA/Crown King has touched/made
* Rockwell razors. I just can't respect them. I've tried but I just can't.
* High-End razor quality control.
Mongoose: it's really sad to see how it's failing so much later half of the year.
Classic Shaving: The amount of issues people are having with the KCs is just not acceptable
Heck, I'm even having a OneBlade razor replaced​

@Darkbulb, may I ask why a OneBlade is in need of replacement?

Good question and quite honestly I am not even 100% that is 'needs' to be replaced.
I noticed that the head has a lateral 'play' of about 3mm or so. If you look at the handle of your OneBlade there is a 'joint' in the middle of the handle. I can 'wiggle' the head horizontally about 3mm left and right - and as I do so the 'gap' in that joint moves left/right. Now, this does of course not have any impact on the functionality of the razor.

The good: I mentioned this to OneBlade and they right away offered to take it on, at their cost, to look at it and if needed repair or replace it.
I checked with some other owners who said that they had zero 'lateral play' and at the same time I ended up with a return label emailed to me from OneBlade that I was welcomed to use.

I think I'll send it in to them for them to take a look at. I am painfully aware of that I may be 'picky' here but it's one of these things that once you notice it..it bothers you :)

This however did make me put OneBlade Customer Service as a 'hit' for 2015 :)
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