The TSR Random Shaving Chat

Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
It dawned upon me this morning that we may often have little things we want to share that don't necessarily justify a thread of their own.

For example, last night I showed the wife again how to use a DE safely, with her new TOBS Rose and Omega 49 brush, and had the following observations:

1) The TOBS Rose scent is not to my liking. It's almost identical to cheap Turkish Delight (something I really dislike)
2) The Omega 49 brush is a MONSTER! Huge brush that holds more lather than you can imagine.

How about you fine gentlemen? Any little anecdotes you want to share but don't for one reason or another?
Only the time I was overly blase and misaligned the GEM blade in my Ever Ready, something I hadn't realised was possible at that time. First pass left that side of my face a veritable red ruin. Never seen anything like it in my shaving life. Fortunately the blade was so sharp that the cuts and weepers healed up fast and well, bit like paper cuts. Oh, and I did once manage to shave with a SE with two GEMS in it wondering all the while what had gone wrong, but I don't tell anyone about that.

JohnnyO. O/
nick_s, I must disagree with you on the scent of TOBS rose. The pot I had, albeit a while back, smelled almost exactly like the climbing rose that grew next to my last house's back door. A variety which is over 100 years old - Rosa rugosa 'Roseraie de l'Hay' and it had a glorious perfume. However, scent is probably the most variable part of this world we share that is open to individual interpretation and I have read similar criticism of that particular TOBS scent.

I remember when starting out, I had a shave with my old DE89L which was my first using Ingram. The menthol desensitized my skin so that I couldn't feel the damage I was doing. Way too many touch ups and after the cold rinse had calmed down my face was beetroot red, covered in weepers and hurt so bad I had to take painkillers the rest of the day! Couldn't shave for nearly a week afterwards either. Ironic that it turned into one of my favourite shaving creams.

Rob, you nailed it - bad mood swings have caused me many a foolish and ill-advised comment on here....
My little bit of advice is not to post on here when either in a bad mood or sloshed - it's difficult to disguise either state.

Unfortunately, I don't follow this advice always.

Tucked away in a drawer somewhere, I've got a little electronic breathalyser. If anyone hooks one of these up via USB and lets you install something that blocks certain sites unless you pass a test will make a lot of money. eBay would be my top site to block.

As for shaving stuff that doesn't warrant a thread: I cut myself the other day. It came as quite a shock, I haven't done that for ages.
Mirrors. I have a thing about them.

Staying in a lovely little apartment with the girlfriend and her parents in Dartmouth, Devon. Nice decor, beautiful original features, yet a tiny bathroom with a mirror over the basin that a) steams up after a one minute shower, and b) is set so low that it cannot be used by anyone over 5'6. Glad I bought a disposable and not the Feather Artist Club.
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