The TSR Random Shaving Chat

Bringing back memories here.

Going up the shop with a hand written note for 20 ciggies for my dad. 10p mix ups or 1/4 of sweets.

Also going up the pub where they had an off licence counter.

Germolene and cut to size fabric plaster.
Yep,I got sent off to the 'Off Sales' part of our local too...For more GV+green Rizzlas!,usually when the shops had shut.But if I was lucky,I could hit the ole man for a 10p (large) bag of chips for going....But then again,if he was in a bad mood (which 9 times out of ten he was) a 2p bag of tomato flavor 'Snaps' was the best to be expected!,or a thick ear if he was in a really bad mood!.
Germolene... A cure for everything....:rolleyes:

Even the Adverts the Pits....o_O

The "Good Auld Days"....:D

Germolene is still available, both as an ointment and a cream, still smells the same and is still virulent pink in colour. In my opinion, it's also excellent for just about anything!

I use Dettol shave cream if my face gets irritated. Soothes the irritation at the expense of smelling rather phenolic!

Like traditional shaving, some of the old things were quite good! :D
I just couldn't do it mate!,to many memories!.
TBH,the only post shave I need,is cold water and AS...
As an afterthought,what on earth do you do to your face Nishy to need Germolene as a post shave?....
Lol i don't usually use it think twice in 3 years, i also mop with dettol love the smell!
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