You could sweep the floor with it

Did anyone see this? Wondered if it was likely useable and what it might be like with soaps and creams. Someone somewhere might know a bit about them (?)
If not it's quite a novel piece of shaving ephemera
NotTheStig said:
Did anyone see this? Wondered if it was likely useable and what it might be like with soaps and creams. Someone somewhere might know a bit about them (?)
If not it's quite a novel piece of shaving ephemera

Usable? How large a face have you got, Carl?:huh::icon_razz::angel: In all seriousness, I'm not overly keen, even as a piece of history. It's somehow not an attractive brush to my mind.
I just wondered if it was 'real'.
It's the sort of thing I would buy and then it would just sit there, serving no useful purpose beyond an occasional talking point, gathering dust.
There you have it - it;s a duster :>)
NotTheStig said:
I just wondered if it was 'real'.
It's the sort of thing I would buy and then it would just sit there, serving no useful purpose beyond an occasional talking point, gathering dust.
There you have it - it;s a duster :>)

I bought one of the Wilkie brushes about a year ago just to see how bad it was, and it's used as a duster now, so there is a precedent.:angel:
Or maybe I could remove the knot and use it as a syrup!

That expression will keep our overseas brethren guessing for a good while. Unless they search the internet, obviously.

Maybe this'll help. I do like this particular page, the cockney alphabet. Some I had to think about for a few seconds :-S
NotTheStig said:
Or maybe I could remove the knot and use it as a syrup!

That expression will keep our overseas brethren guessing for a good while. Unless they search the internet, obviously.

Maybe this'll help. I do like this particular page, the cockney alphabet. Some I had to think about for a few seconds :-S

Stone me Guv, I didn't know you was a slaphead!

chrisbell said:
NotTheStig said:
Or maybe I could remove the knot and use it as a syrup!

That expression will keep our overseas brethren guessing for a good while. Unless they search the internet, obviously.

Maybe this'll help. I do like this particular page, the cockney alphabet. Some I had to think about for a few seconds :-S

Stone me Guv, I didn't know you was a slaphead!


I once heard a couple of old boys in London talking. One asked the other if he wanted a cup of tea, the answer came back "No thanks, I'm van Gogh". I spent some time trying to work it out and eventually I asked them - van Gogh = one ear.

That's true, by the way.
jds said:
chrisbell said:
NotTheStig said:
Or maybe I could remove the knot and use it as a syrup!

That expression will keep our overseas brethren guessing for a good while. Unless they search the internet, obviously.

Maybe this'll help. I do like this particular page, the cockney alphabet. Some I had to think about for a few seconds :-S

Stone me Guv, I didn't know you was a slaphead!


I once heard a couple of old boys in London talking. One asked the other if he wanted a cup of tea, the answer came back "No thanks, I'm van Gogh". I spent some time trying to work it out and eventually I asked them - van Gogh = one ear.

That's true, by the way.

NotTheStig said:
Did anyone see this? Wondered if it was likely useable and what it might be like with soaps and creams. Someone somewhere might know a bit about them (?)
If not it's quite a novel piece of shaving ephemera

Thats a hellova small can of coke.:icon_razz:
here's the razor for whoever bought that brush, looks like it needs a re-plate though..
Gravy said:
here's the razor for whoever bought that brush, looks like it needs a re-plate though..

Would Dave up his prices for that do you think?

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