You can make one law . . . what would it be?

Can't help feeling you're being way, way too polite on this one Leslie. Surely the whole point of these ' what if ' threads is to not only get up peoples' noses, but stomp around whilst we're there !
And yes, the cycling twats who scorch silently along our local pavements should be compelled to have absolutely ENORMOUS registration marks on their machines, if not also large bullseye targets on their backs.

Now, that'll get them going ...

JohnnyO. :blush:
JohnnyO said:
I'd like to think so also Chris. However as a democrat I recognise that the theory of " the power of the people " suggests that any paper which a very large section of the public chooses to spend their own money on must be giving expression to many of their views. Which means I don't happily ( patronisingly even ? ). dismiss the organ of their choice. If we don't like the Daily Mail or the Grauniad we don't buy them.... going by their respective circulation figures I know which I believe better reflects public opinions in this country. As to which is the more accurate or unbiased reporter of news I remain an equal opportunity sceptic !

Johnny0. :icon_razz:/

The Daily Mail sells around 1.7m to the Guardian's 200k. From the red tops The Sun is about 2m and the Mirror just under 1m.

You pays your money and takes your choice.
Rev-O said:
So: You can make one law . . . what would it be?

Mine would be to move the clocks forward an hour (i.e. move from GMT / BST to CET or whatever British time +1 is called).

Longer, lighter evenings would mean (imho) fewer road traffic accidents and reduced energy consumption. It would also help people with SAD and probably improve trade with Europe.

When I lived in Holland I loved sitting out till 11pm -- now I know they are a bit further east, but not much.

This would mean darker, colder morning yes -- but I'm sure we do more in the "p.m." part of the day than the "a.m." hours so it would be better to have the extra light then.

So. What would your law be? (And you can't have revoking my law as your piece of legislation!)

Sorry Ollie - but I would do away with the farce of incorrect time and cocking around with the clocks at all - the geographical time here is GMT (the name is there for a reason) - if you want to run your life on CET, there is nothing stopping you setting your alarm clock that hour earlier... if we didn't all work to the exact same 9-5 core then there might be some relief in the rush periods that are suffered? (I say this even though my work life is run on CET - so as I type this, it's just before 5pm even though I'm sat in Scotland and the time of day is approaching 4pm - yet my watch says it's just coming up to 3pm...) - end of the day it's a number on the clock - we must waste millions of productive hours twice every year in changing the clocks for no worthwhile reason at all apart from (flawed) psychology.

For my law - it's not a law per se - rather a stringent increase in regulations applied to caravans - draconian vehicle excise duty (five figures) on them with no rebates, MOT test and restrict their movements so that they can't screw up the roads every summer Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 3-5am (GMT of course :icon_lol:) on Tuesdays & Thursdays should cover it.

No road or view has ever been improved by the addition of a caravan (or caravan park) - Wordsworth never wrote:

I wander'd lonely as a cloud
that floats on high o'er vales and hills
when all at once I saw a crowd
a bloody caravan park and there were thousands of them

If he went to his beloved Lake District these days, he'd struggle to find a view of any custard lakes - unless the camp site shop had it on special!
LOL !!! Hunnymonster.

We have a couple of friends who do the shed dragging thing.

One lot have now gone on to buying a mobile shed, you know, converted van. They don't do it but what bugs me is the ones who use them things as daily transport and take the thing shopping and use up several bays. But I suppose they pay the fuel, tax, insurance etc.
UKRob said:
Steve27752 said:
Legalise the ownership of firearms.
Well it is legal - so I assume you mean get rid of gun controls. If so, why?

I am talking about reversing the legislation that closed down shooting clubs.
Allowing anyone without a criminal record to be able to own and shoot Sec 1 firearms.
Steve27752 said:
UKRob said:
Steve27752 said:
Legalise the ownership of firearms.
Well it is legal - so I assume you mean get rid of gun controls. If so, why?

I am talking about reversing the legislation that closed down shooting clubs.
Allowing anyone without a criminal record to be able to own and shoot Sec 1 firearms.

I used to shoot a Brno CZ 75 and Browning in the early 90's at a local gun club.

Dunblane but the mockers on that.
Except this is impossible of course as cycle lanes are on the edge of the road and thus full of parked cars making them impossible to use.

Sorry rant over its about as bad as cars parking on pavements so that prams have to go into the road as they can't go by.

Oops another one
Spear321 said:
Except this is impossible of course as cycle lanes are on the edge of the road and thus full of parked cars making them impossible to use.

Well you see this is pretty much why I wanted the laws as set out above -

Living in a new town means that every main road has a cycle path running parallel, despite which, some cyclists still use the main cross town dual carriageway link routes, with the 'I've got just as much right to be here as you have' smug look on their face.

No you don't! You're uninsured, dressed inappropriately & wobbling around on a contraption which so far as I know has never had its brakes actually checked. If you hit my car & cause damage (shock horror - not all car/cyclist collisions are the car driver's fault), I have nobody to claim against to cover repairs.

So get insured, get your bike safety checked by law on a regular basis, wear protection appropriate to riding on main roads or use a bloody cycle path!
Steve27752 said:
UKRob said:
Steve27752 said:
Legalise the ownership of firearms.
Well it is legal - so I assume you mean get rid of gun controls. If so, why?

I am talking about reversing the legislation that closed down shooting clubs.
Allowing anyone without a criminal record to be able to own and shoot Sec 1 firearms.

At the moment anyone with an FAC can own Section 1 firearms. Do you mean bring back handguns?
Good point about bikes being unsafe and uninsured.

Also, re guns: I shoot but have to use my friends' shotguns as I can't get a licence due to my history of depression.

Last time I saw I my GP (with whom I have a very good rapport) he asked: "How are you doing?"

I replied (laughing) "I'm feeling suicidal. Yes, and homicidal."

He said: "Well, as long as it's in that order I don't mind!"

Bikes! I cycle and I can tell you now that the majority of cycle lanes are full of thorns, glass, bits off cars and all the other shite that motorised vehicle drivers leave behind themselves! The cycle lanes are so full of shite that I used to spend at least two out of every five days repairing punctures or replacing inner tubes. I have a legal right to be there as does any road user regardless of what contraption you use or indeed your legs. If cyclists have to start paying insurance etc then so should pedestrians, I don't know how many I have seen running across the road trying to avoid a car/lorry when there is a pedestrian crossing 20 yards up the road. And don't get me started on the ignorant, arrogant fannies in motorised vehicles that cut me off just because I am on a bike!!! I am also a car driver and at one time a motor cyclist and also tow a caravan. How about a wee bit of tolerance?
My road bike gets checked over EVERY week, cleaned, oiled, all brakes and gears tested, all nuts and bolts checked. Most road cyclists I have met do the same, how many of you car drivers out there do the same with your vehicles eh? Half the guys at my work turn up at work with bald tires, oil leaks, lights not working

Don't even get me started on the gun issue, or even air 'weapons' for that matter!

I also shoot (
I remember walking home from work on several occasions and having cyclists ring their bell at me... to move out of the way on the FOOTPATH. Needless to say they were properly ignored.

Also recall being on the bus commuting home from another job and being stuck behind one as they slowly cycled in the bus lane adamant they weren't going to get the F out of the way.

Its probably a minority of audacious arzehole cyclists who pizz people off but I think it makes us, as humans, feel better if we tar them all with the one brush.

Not a big cyclist fan.... sorry.
There-in lies the problem, all of us get tarred with the same brush. I HATE cyclists that ride 2x2 and take the whole road up, there is no need for it. I also hate seeing cyclists on pavements, they are for pedestrians, but sometimes we are forced to by the sheer arrogance and selfishness of other road users.
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