You can make one law . . . what would it be?


I love cats and I love the way they seem to have a third sense which directs them to only shit in the gardens of those who dislike them! :icon_cheesygrin:

Dick PS I am still considering my law.
Norfolkdick said:

I love cats and I love the way they seem to have a third sense which directs them to only shit in the gardens of those who dislike them! :icon_cheesygrin:

Dick PS I am still considering my law.

Ahh but I only dislike them because they crap in my garden. So that's cause and affect due to the cat.

They don't get in the back garden anymore as they don't seem to want to make friends with the dogs. Little do they know but the springer especially would like nothing better than to play and them cuddle up for a nice nap. They occasionally use the front gravel as a litter tray. But that's only when I'm too lazy to sprinkle something with a citrus scent on it.

They do have the sense though to crap on the grass of the vicar who lives on the end, despite his ultrasonic deterrent.

Back on the OP subject. We have too many laws, many of which are dated, some of which when it comes to parking they seem to fall into areas where no one wants to act.

My one law would be only have proper coppers, none of these PCSO's.
Bring in legislation that requires a couple that want a child to go through the same process that is required for adoption before they are allowed to have one.

If they fail the adoption process, they are not allowed to produce a child of there own.

Oh, and if you disagree, don't bother telling me because I'm not going to respond.

Re: RE: You can make one law . . . what would it be?

Bechet45 said:
One Law - national or international?

Got to be a Gun Law - no guns at all, anywhere.

Then Evangelists - no Evangelism at all, anywhere.

Now I've regained my wheezy old breath after cackling merrily away, loving that comment Rob.

JohnnyO. :icon_rolleyes:/
Make large corporates like Amazon, Google, Vodafone etc. pay tax on the money where it is earned not where they can funnel it away to be taxed at lower rates.

The Big Brother objections are self-evident but I agree the principle 100%.

And having read on, +1 to all these new Laws. Seems Trad Shavers are fit to rule the world! - from where I'm sitting, anyway.
I would like an existing law to be much more heavily reinforced which is using mobile phones whilst driving.

It needs to be made as unacceptable as drink driving with the consequences to match.
I think there should be a law making it compulsory to love each other and to show this by hugging whenever we meet - ladies to perform that hug where they lean forward with backside out and make the exaggerated Betty Boo lips whilst air kissing. Men can do the right shoulder dip whilst clutching right arm with left hand and mouthing Bro. Of course rubbing and tapping backs is also mandatory if someone thinks you are upset - such as having a broken nail.

Because I thought of this law it would not apply to me - in fact if anyone dares to try either version of the hug on me, the penalty is a knee in the nuts or a twisted nipple as appropriate
Benefits are paid for a maximum of 2 kids, if you have 12 you get child benefit (which should also be means tested) for the first 2 and will only ever be entitled to a 3 bed house, put them in bunk beds if you want more. WTF are we encouraging the great unwashed to stay at home and breed and then pay them for it is beyond me.
Johnus said:
Law: that all are taxed equally: master and man; church and business.

+1 on that one Johnus!!!

Bechet45 said:
One Law - national or international?

Got to be a Gun Law - no guns at all, anywhere.

That's not fair! Then I can't shoot my foxes, rabbits, stray cats and the occasional rabbid dog that comes calling. Is it fairer that I slowly beat them them to a pulpy, mashy mess with a big stick? And yes I do eat what I kill, well apart from cats, not keen on Chinese food!