Yellow Unction

I have been making this product for many years, the reason I haven't introduced it on here before is because, strictly speaking it isn't a shaving product, although many of my customers use it as such.

It is basically a universal moisturiser for all skin types. It's main uses are as follows.

1. A night time moisturiser. Use on the face before going to bed, your skin will feel baby soft in the morning.
2. As an after shaving balm, will reduce tenderness and irritation immediately.
3. Use anywhere on dry,flaky skin, especially between fingers and toes.
4. Use if you are prone to after shaving redness or irritation or blemishes.
5. As a skin protector in harsh weather conditions, will shield the skin from cold, frost, sleet, snow etc.


My cousin married a Finnish girl and moved to Finland many years ago. He wrote home saying how his skin had become sore due to the icy winds up there, and so I developed this for him. Now many years later I send cases of it every year up to Finland for him and his friends.

Sample pots are available for those who would like to try it, just PM me with your address and let me know.
