WTB: Weber DLC - God loves an optimist!

I feel I need to justify my cleaning now?! Once shave complete:
Loosen head
Rinse under tap thoroughly
Dry external surfaces with a towel (one could argue I should take apart the head)
Leave on shelf to air dry

When I change the blade (every three or four shaves) the head comes apart and gets some gently tooth brush action just to get any remaining thin dry lather residue. This seems only around the threads. I should add my other four razor heads are fine.
mattyb240 said:
I feel I need to justify my cleaning now?! Once shave complete:
Loosen head
Rinse under tap thoroughly
Dry external surfaces with a towel (one could argue I should take apart the head)
Leave on shelf to air dry

When I change the blade (every three or four shaves) the head comes apart and gets some gently tooth brush action just to get any remaining thin dry lather residue. This seems only around the threads. I should add my other four razor heads are fine.

Not sloppy at all - not dissimilar to my procedure, except that I tend to store with the blade out, but I have hard water. If it can't tolerate that then it isn't your fault.
A post or two ago you said, "Oh bugger, here I go again...". You made a choice. Today, you say you were provoked.

New, though connected, subject:

You seem to insist that one step must logically follow from the previous one. Every time someone uses intuition to reach a conclusion you seem to see it as bait or provocation, when all it is is their opinion. You appear to get Quixotic about another's opinion if it is not reached logically, one step at a plodding time.

The inclusion of "plodding" in that last sentence is un-neccessary and provocative.

You wouldn't be recogniseable to me as Chris were you otherwise, same as I wouldn't be me if I stopped expressing my opinions as facts.

Going with the flow and bending in the wind are good.
Bechet45 said:
A post or two ago you said, "Oh bugger, here I go again...". You made a choice. Today, you say you were provoked.

New, though connected, subject:

You seem to insist that one step must logically follow from the previous one. Every time someone uses intuition to reach a conclusion you seem to see it as bait or provocation, when all it is is their opinion. You appear to get Quixotic about another's opinion if it is not reached logically, one step at a plodding time.

The inclusion of "plodding" in that last sentence is un-neccessary and provocative.

You wouldn't be recogniseable to me as Chris were you otherwise, same as I wouldn't be me if I stopped expressing my opinions as facts.

Going with the flow and bending in the wind are good.

Apologies, my comment about provocation referred to this comment:

Oh Chris! You're a darlin'! There wasn't even a worm wriggling on it! Come to think of it - there wasn't a hook!

rather than your earlier one - answering that was purely my own decision, hence my "here I go again..." statement.

I suppose I just get irritated by sweeping conclusions being drawn from inference and intuition - while those attributes are essential in science, they usually appear during the research phase, rather than in drawing conclusions. My point is that, by considering the possible explanations before coming to those conclusions, you're engaging in a pseudo-scientific process, but by making the intuitive leaps, you, I'm sure unintentionally, make a mockery of that process. This is especially important here, as your conclusion was that of user error, was it not? If we're going to conclude that Matty wasn't looking after the razor properly, thereby exonerating the manufacturer, we owe it to him to be a bit more rigorous than you were in using intuition rather than evidence and reasoning.

By the way, if anyone feels like scoffing in response to my plea to use scientific thinking in response to a non-scientific problem, consider that the scientific method is (at least according to Karl(!) Popper), on the most basic level, built on critical reasoning and the principle of falsifiability. In other words, no amount of evidence enables us to attain absolute certainty of the validity of any Theory (hence my reaction to your conclusive, triumphalist statements), but that a single, verifiable and reliable piece of evidence to the contrary can disprove that Theory absolutely. In no way do these norms require a laboratory or specialist equipment; they are mental processes and ways of thinking which can be applied to the problem at hand quite happily.
At a terrible risk of heading this thread even further from the subject and wishing to add some fuel to what has been a very amusing exchange, what can we infer about the overall quality of DLC heads? Very few seem to come up for sale and demand seems to be consistently high. Were the razors overwhelmingly flaky, would we some more of them on the open market?

Obviously there is a failure rate - Matty's razor is evidence, and Dodgy seems to have a collection of tales of woe - but is the failure rate higher or lower than (for example) Merkur? Are they more notorious because of the vendor's well publicised attitude to customer care?

I have a fancy for Weber - there are some very vocal advocates (non more so than your good self Carl) and the quality itself wouldn't necessarily worry me if I knew that a duff one would be replaced. The fact that there is doubt in that, combined with the possibility of additional customs charges on an already expensive razor means that I won't give it a go.

Oh - and Matty, I have no idea whether it's applicable to International purchases, but if you paid for your Weber with a credit card there is a chance that you're covered for faulty goods. The consumer credit act (I think) states that they are joint and severally liable for goods purchased using it - therefore you would have a chance of getting a refund from them, although you'd likely have to return the razor to them. Worth checking if you can be bothered...
You raise some very pertinent points, Chopper!

One of the things I've learned since joining a shaving forum and reading others is that some members do like to whip up a storm about 'failed' razors, seem to blame manufacturing faults and rarely, if ever, look for their own contribution. Have Pils recovered yet? Here you are, Chopper, reluctant to buy a Weber while I have just added a second DLC to my collection of six Webers - all perfectly fine and backed up with co-operative Customer Service from Ed.

Part of my 'intuitive leaps' or whatever Chris calls them are predicated on continued high demand for DLCs, very few reports of faulty DLCs (known to me) compared to how many that were sold (unknown to me) and that all mine and all the ones I've seen for sale second hand are in lovely condition.

Matty awaits Ed's response but between Amazon and the credit card issuer, I reckon there should be a good chance of getting money back. Matty's evidence is clear-cut - the coating is not diamond like, it has deteriorated.

I'm not a person who enjoys typing negative stuff and it's very rare for me to actually expend the energy needed to puff myself up and act all aggressive and crap like that. Maybe in this case it's worth the effort and it will end up being positive in the end.

Starting out calmly, let me go over my memories regarding when the Weber was first being produced and sold. I forget which models were offered, both the handles and head types. People here were reading reviews on other forums and man, these razors sounded pretty damn good. Very good shaves, good quality build, and a very good price for what you got. Lots of TSR members bought the various styles and were overall quite happy with what they received. And.........I can't remember any issues about crap quality. Sure, there was probably the odd quality control problem but certainly nothing to be concerned about. Now this was only maybe a year and a half ago, so it's pretty current history.

They sold out as fast as Weber made em available and then there was a wait of maybe 6 weeks till the next run. It was a very well received product with a strong fan base.

Than after a while longer, some razors in the later batches were mentioned as having problems. Enough so that it was pretty obvious something was wrong with more than there should be wrong with. Hell, I'm not gonna rehash all that because the threads are still around to be read I believe.

I firmly believe something happened at Weber razors maybe 6-8 months ago. Whatever is was, it wasn't good. I can't figure out how a company can self destruct like this company is trying to do. There's some info I am missing...no doubt about it.

Anyway, I will end the post here, before I start getting a bit irritated about even having to type something like this. My facts as such are to be taken with a grain of salt, since it's hard to remember exactly when this stuff has gone down. I do know the only way I'd buy a Weber is from a forum member.

Oh, if I'm right, the DLC handle was one of the earlier models and had a good reputation for having no problems. Really, none of the earlier razors had any issues to speak of.

That's plenty for now,


If you think Carl can be an asshole sometimes, you can imagine me acting in a similar manner if I woulda received a defective razor from the Weber company. Even if it was made right immediately, it would still be an unpleasant situation. The idea of a company sending out something that.........well, I've said all this before.

Carl, I'm just screwing with you.....really. I just mean you don't usually pull any punches, which makes for interesting posts. Heh, just the opposite of Chris. I like reading whatever you got to say.

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