WTB: Weber DLC - God loves an optimist!


You know, it's a good thing this company is known for having such strong quality control and customer service. Otherwise, I might think that poor old Matty might not have the only head looking that way. Yep, I might even think the spokesperson for that company was being less than totally truthful.

However that can't be the case here, so the search for the real problem continues. Jeepers, I wonder what the answer will be....


Can't help, Carl - too long since I studied chemistry.
Nearly but not quite - as with phenolphthalein - tests for acid or alkali condition.

What I was looking for is disodium EDTA.

What I didn't know is that it binds to metals and is used in cosmetics and body care products.

Is disodium EDTA attacking Matty's DLC head?????
I'm a bit confused now, what happened to the DLC on the Bay, i had managed to get the wife on board who sanctioned the buy with no limit:huh:
SamuraiJack said:
I'm a bit confused now, what happened to the DLC on the Bay, i had managed to get the wife on board who sanctioned the buy with no limit:huh:

I'm sure someone made the seller a Buy It Now offer he couldn't refuse. How much is anyone's guess!

Are we referring to pH testing (hence the reference to Litmus paper, I presume?), water hardness testing (as in the kit you linked to) or disodium EDTA in lather?

Thanks Frankie, that explains it all, if only the seller knew how much i saved:icon_razz:

Total Hardness Indicator tablets are of disodium EDTA but if Matty doesn't put them in his shave water - and why would he? - then we are talking about the possibility of disodium EDTA being in the lather. One thought leading to another.

Would you care to edit your post, Chris? What are you presuming in the middle of a question and where should the first parentheses close? I think I get the gist but fucked if I understand the English. You can tell I'm a literal reader.

Oops, sorry!:blush:

A drop or two of shampoo or similair seems to do the trick for me. Picked up the ultrasonic cleaner from Aldi or Lidl after recomendations in here. It's a really useful thing, not just for razors. My wife was amazed when her wedding ring came out all nice and shiny, I then spent the next hour in forced labour going through her jewellery box!

Well funny you should mention that Carl, I am in the process of moving. In answer to your question no my collars are fine, I do live near a busy road but it sits happily on a bathroom shelf a long with my other shaving gear.

The soap scum is just dry lather where I've not rinsed properly.

You see how lateral thinking works, Chris? I start with the cosmetics of a Weber DLC and correctly deduce a house move.

Well MattyB - there's your answer! Weber get the blame for the results of user poor hygiene! There is a need to run your softest Welsh water all over your razor after use and wash away all the lather,inside and out!! Or we all know what happens!

Another case closed by DCI Bechet!

I've had a very busy morning trying - and failing - to decide whether I like Rolando Villazon more than Jose Cura and if Santos & Java is more or less to my taste than Cuban Serrano Superior. A silly game, if very enjoyable, and I shall now depart an either ..... or world and return to my both .... and habitat. I am a little high, I must admit, on caffeine, codeine and opera.
Oh bugger, here I go again...:icon_rolleyes:

Which, as Vinny might say, has precisely the square root of sod all to do with Matty's DLC head going manky.

Sadly, correlation does not equal causation - one of the mantras of all good scientists, though heaven knows plenty of them still manage to forget it at times. It may be that Matty's sloppy cleaning practices have caused the damage, but I think it unlikely as the area of damage in the photo is the outside of the cap, where even the most cursory and lazy rinse under a tap would remove the vast majority of lather, unless he leaves it so long after finishing his shave that it's gone completely dry and crusty. Whether this supposition is correct or not is irrelevant - there's no means of demonstrating that it was the cause. Of course, it's a good idea to rinse properly, and I agree with you in suggesting that Matty makes sure he does this in future, but to say "case closed" suggests certainty, or at least significant confidence, and there's no way, other than guesswork, that any of us could come to a conclusion.

Given that we're inevitably dealing with anecdotal evidence here (of course, science abhors anecdotal evidence as it's rather like the dreaded "intermittent fault" you, Carl, possibly came across during your career - as soon as the hypothesis is tested, the evidence disappears!), I'd offer my own anecdote that I live in a hard water area, and, despite thorough cleaning that removes soap scum, a certain percentage remains, trapped in the limescale that can only be shifted with more aggressive cleaning. One might,therefore, expect that, if the DLC coating is of good quality, that, what affects it should also affect the chrome and nickel plating in my humble collection, which, I can assure you it doesn't. I return to the point I made earlier in this thread - if the DLC coating cannot tolerate sloppy cleaning practices, then they should offer a warning to that effect, even if it's a more UK-friendly "failure to remove all traces of soap scum from the DLC head may result in damage to the surface - if you don't clean it properly and it is damaged, it's your responsibility" or whatever is legally acceptable, as opposed to the arse-covering US style of legal disclaimers.

You know, without wishing to belittle Matty's annoyance, this is a rather unimportant matter in the grand scheme of things, and there's plenty of things I ought to be doing other than arguing the toss about it. I just have a dislike for sweeping conclusions being drawn in defence of a product on flimsy evidence. Of course, I agree that it's entirely plausible that, in this case it is "operator error", but there have been several examples of DLC heads corroding or otherwise degrading, which surely warrants a more open-minded response and desire for further and better evidence rather than a sweeping statement absolving the manufacturer of blame?