WTB: Weber DLC - God loves an optimist!

Please don't take this the wrong way, Carl, but I have to ask; you're suggesting that the damage to the head is due to either the lather from a TOBS cream (a popular, well-used manufacturer of shaving cream amongst the sort of people who buy Weber razors), or slightly acidic water?

If that's the case, then I suggest the thing isn't fit for purpose. It's surely reasonable to expect the head of a safety razor to come into contact with water (which may be slightly acidic) and lather (which may come from Taylors)? If the head coating cannot tolerate either of these factors (or both), then it should come with information that it should not be used in acidic water or with TOBS products. According to the following document:


Welsh tap water should be no more acidic than pH6.5, which is just on the acidic side of neutral. It can be up to pH9.5, which is pretty basic (alkaline), so, if it is the water that's doing it, it may be due to the caustic effect of basic pH.

As I said, I'm not being sarcastic or snide; I'm genuinely posing the thought that a razor which degrades in tap water in a country with some of the best-quality tap water anywhere, or on contact with certain commonly-used traditional shving creams, seems to me to be flawed.
Chris, me old pedant, the man asked, "Any thoughts?" Something has damaged his head coating so why not put your energy to thinking what might have done that instead of trying to shoot me down for attempting to be helpful?

And yes, his head is flawed - that's the point.

Guilty as charged on the pedantry. It appeared that you were attempting to suggest that the damage was to be expected given what the OP had used it for - apologies for misreading things.:blush: As regards why - I reckon it's got to be either one of the two possibilities you mentioned or the Fairy Liquid; after all, though that possibility seems unlikely, I'd suggest it's no less-so than acidic/alkaline water or lather!:s
It certainly is a bit of a bugger as Ed wont replace it as its "cosmetic". Which I get and understand but for this diamond like coating I'm certainly disappointed. I emailed Ed yesterday explaining what I have used to clean it and wouldn't expect it to cause the damage. I'm not optimistic for a reply.
I'll just bet he'd be making a claim if the paintwork on his car faded and went dull - even if it were only cosmetic. I think he's making a tough call there.
Bechet45 said:
'Tis as I thought! Well done, you cheatin' ********!!!! So I only sniffed two - one of them twice.

No, no. You misunderstand my good man. Mine is still sat here, twinkling on the shelf, just waiting to be shown some love and appreciation. :icon_razz:
Bechet45 said:
I'll just bet he'd be making a claim if the paintwork on his car faded and went dull - even if it were only cosmetic. I think he's making a tough call there.

Well I shall wait and see if I get a reply. I feel like I'm being anal about it as it does function but I wouldn't expect this to happen with this apparent hard coating. I will give benefit of the doubt untill he's had a chance to reply as its earl y days yet. Unsure what to do if he says no!
I think the words 'Ed' and 'customer service' go together like 'pope' and 'condoms'.

I got one of the batch of ARC heads through with flaws in the coating and to make matters worse they put the wrong charge on the package meaning the two hats at HMRC charged me a whacking great fee.

Ed did refund me a portion of the charges but didn't give a toss when I pointed out how disappointed I was with the finish when compared with my DLC.

I doubt if I'd buy another Weber after that.
Cant remember where I got the info and it could be wrong as I never checked it out. But some washing up liquids can supposedly contain high levels of salts (which ones I don't know) If they do indeed contain salts of some sort then it could well damage the plating. Personally all I ever clean my razors in is an ultrasonic bath after a scrub with mild kids toothpaste

Do you use an ultrasonic cleaning solution in your bath or just plain tap water? I bought a wee one recently along with a bottle of the cleaning solution.



I am now and finally of the opinion that the issues that Weber is having would keep me from buying new from the maker. It seems crazy to say that, considering the way these razors were so well received in the beginning. Very rarely ever heard of any problems.

So you guys are trying to figure out what caused the head damage. What if that isn't the only head that's got the problem. What if there were more. Would that be impossible do you think?

Customer service is pretty interesting.
Dipesh said:
I've had one, didn't see what the fuss was all about.

I put it up for sale here and got more than it was up for so demand is extremely high.

I believe that's the one I bought from you. Wet shaving is so much about personal preferences, you didn't see what the fuss was all about and I find it a really fantastic shaver. In the end we ended up both happy ;-)
Have given great thought over-night to the coating problem, Matty. I have come up with three new considerations.

1. You sweat some kind of acid or your sweat becomes acid when in contact with soap and/or softest Welsh water. Test: do your collars fray and wear out quickly?

2. The DLC spends the vast majority of its life in contact with nothing else but air. Do you live near a major road or an industrial complex? Test: as in 1. but substitute 'lungs' for 'collars'.

3. As your water is of the softest Welsh type, how come you have to remove soap scum with detergent and abbrasion? Surely you shouldn't have soap scum at all and a quick rinse under the tap should suffice? Are you importing tap water from a hard water area? Test: can't remember 'O'-level Chemistry - starts out blue and turns purple. Chris?

I am convinced the soap scum build-up is the problem! Though I don't rule out an influence from any other of my suggestions.

So the remedy may well not lay with Ed replacing your head as the same thing may happen to it. I foresee a need to move house!