WTB Red Tip

West Wales
I really like this razor - it gives a lovely shave.

Ideally, I would like to buy another in excellent condition, in a case to keep for my display and then I can continue to use the one I have. So, anyone have one for sale?

Agree with you, I think it's the best of the Gillette SS's. If I had only one it would be the red tip.
There are two variations on the red tip; 54-57 and 58-59 had a slight differences in the design in the lower part of the handle.
Now you have to buy 3 more to have 2 of each! It's never ending.
Just to add a couple monkeys for your back there is an English Red Tip SS and of course the Red Tip Rocket........:dodgy::dodgy: and they shave differently, for me the R.T. Rocket has the edge over either SS's............and yes I have all 3 of them...........:icon_razz:
It is the US version I have, a C1, 1957. Things are always more complicated than you think. To be honest, I will be happy to purchase any Red Tip, because then I will continue to use the one I have for shaving and the new one for display. When funds allow, I will try and get the 3 variations.

But Guys, thanks for the information.
I was concerned when people said they were aggressive, but the shave was easy and excellent. Mind you, I had use a single edge blade a few days previously in a 1912, so maybe it is all relative.

But please, someone come up with a red tip for me!