WOW Moment! And a Question

Two weeks now and just about ready to go back to a cartridge. Bought a nice badger brush, Jagger DE, Crabtree & Evelyn soap and a pack of Derby blades. It got to where I dreaded shaving as I had to be so careful to not get razor burn and just general stinginess. I worked really hard on prep - shower, hot towel - and on my lather.

Then today my wife bought me a pack of Boots own brand and a pack of Wilkinsons. What have I got to lose so I shaved half my face with a different blade. The Boots (made in Israel and I'm sure there is a well known blade from there) were leagues ahead of the Derby but they dragged a little. The Wilkies were a revelation and I've gotten close to my expectation so there's the WOW moment. Here's the question - Can those who have much more experience with different blades advise me on a blade that is better than the Wilkies but with similar properties? I found it to be very smooth, hardly catching and even got my top lip smooth. But there's jut that little bit in me that says this can be even better!


Hi - and welcome!

Gillette Platinum Super-Thins, and Gillette Nacet Platinums work well for me, as do the super-sharp Feather blades. Others on here will also recommend Gillette 7 O' Clock yellows, and Bolzanos, which also have a reputation for being "sharp" blades.

In my experience "mild" blades don't give a mild shave, they give me a rough, draggy, catchy shave - but people's beards differ enormously, and what works for one may not work for another (and what works well in one razor may not work so well in another). It's all good! The main thing is to enjoy it.
I've just started, 3rd DE shave was today, and I'm using the Gillette 7 o'clock yellows, Todays shave was the closest shave I think I've ever had, and much more comfortable afterwards than what it used to be with a cartridge razor.

I haven't tried the Derbys, but have some in the selection pack I bought, perhaps I'll try one over the weekend to do a comparison.

A lot of people seem to dislike Derbys.
You have asked an almost unanswerable question in a blade recommendation that is better than a Wilkinson Sword,i could recommend you a blade that i think is better but it may not work for you,as others will tell you, you would be well advised to invest in a sampler pack from Connaught and come to your own conclusions.

I would say if it was a wow moment and you are happy with the Wilkinson blades then why not use them? If it isn't broken then why try and fix it? Just a thought.
In my experience "mild" blades don't give a mild shave, they give me a rough, draggy, catchy shave

Agree fully. For me at least, sharper is better and I don't see an appeal in a "less sharp" blade really.

As hinted at above, (well someone had to!) I'm going to recommend Gillette 7 o'clock, the yellow sharpedge and green super stainless are both top notch. The Indian 7 o'clock black ones are very, very good as are Superthins.

It can be a personal thing though so try before you buy. If you send me an address I can send you some to try out, no charge.
Some sound advice here. I would add that you can't really judge a blade on one shave - you need to use two or three before deciding whether it suits you or not. Even a blade that seems to be pulling a bit initially may improve as your technique develops.
Welcome Neil!

Your start is exactly like mine - Jagger razor, Derbies, shaving soap (I'd recommend getting a cream ASAP till you master lathering - Proraso is a healthy option) and waaaaaay too much prep. So apart from recommending switching to at least Gillette Yellows, a safe option, I'd advise to reduce your prep fiddling, especially if you have normal to sensitive skin - it will only irritate it. Would also recommend a cold water shave, but you're probably not yet ready to go that far.. ;)

P.S. I think Derbies should be banned, at least for newbies - but preferably at all..
I always thought Wilki's were dogs but you know what? It really doesn't matter what I think as it might not be the blade entirely. You may after a couple weeks have improved your shaving "skill set" such that you've noticeably improved your shave, if you've had your best shave yet just stick with that combo for a while then get yourself a blade sample pack from connaught shaving changing one variable at a time.
Totally agree with all of the above. Spend the time developing your technique with the combo that works right now. Then get a sampler pack, or put yourself down for the blade pass around, and you will probably find an even better blade, you can then try different razors.
Hi Neil,

Man, you gotta nice wife,Very smart of her to look for something different in blades.

You and I actually had a similar experience when it came to using a blade that wasn't right when first starting out (and not knowing any better). Used the damn things for almost three weeks before switching to a different type. Keep saying to myself that this DE thingy ain't so hot.

Finally popped a different blade in the razor and bingo! . I could tell right away.the shave quality was loads better.....more comfortable and closer results. I realised I'd been learning technique after all, which was a pleasant surprise. Heh, yeah, I know just what you went through with that 'ah hah'.

I'd agree with the other members who suggested sticking with the Wilkinson for a few more weeks to refine everything a bit more. By then you should be getting consistant good, but not great shaves. and will be in a better position to judge the next blade you sample.

Congrats on sticking it out till now. Things will go faster and easier from here on out.

There are so many variables I won't even attempt to tell anybody what software or hardware will work for them, gotta find that out for yourself. Kudos to you for sticking with it, I can tell you it gets better. My first de shave sucked. Period. My second de shave didn't suck so much and my third de shave was the best shave I had ever had in over 40 years of shaving.

I started out using Merkur blades and they were ok. After a month or so I started trying different blades. Some were like the merkurs, some better, some worse. Then I tried an Astra SP and had a wow moment. It felt like I forgot to put a blade in th razor and yet the wiskers disappeared like magic. So I've been using the Astra SP's for a few months now and so far they are my favorite blade. Funny thing about blades, what works for one bloke doesn't always work for another.

Now here's the rub, I've been wetshaving with a de for about 8 or 9 months now and will never go back to any other method of shaving. But the 3 most important things I've discovered are 1) take your time, 2) take your time and 3) take your time! I don't believe there is any such thing as too much prep unless you are using a scrub brush for a shaving brush. After 8 or 9 months I can get a wonderful shave if I take my time and pay attention to my technique.

I can also get razor burn and other nasty side effects if I rush through the process. So the key for me is if I don't have the time to invest in a proper shave I will walk away from the mirror and come back later when I can take my time and enjoy the process. Remember, it's not a race, it's the proper care of your face. Find what works best for you and invest the time required to do it right. Everything else is just fluff...

Party on Wayne, Party on Garth... Oops, I have shamed myself as I have started to wax moronic.

Thats the thing with blades, some work well for some and not so good for others.
There are hundreds of brands out there and I'm sure you'll find some real gems as you try them out.
Eventually you'll settle on a few that give you consistently good results,,it wont stop you trying others though,,:icon_smile:
Two that work for me are Personna and 7 o'clock yellow.
regards, beejay
Hi Neil,

Congratulations on discovering the fundamental question of DE saving...What blade(s) is(are) most suitable for YOU?

Definitely get a sample set from Connaught.

My favourites are:

1. Astra
2. Personna Red (Platinum)
Very good advice from the members who've already responded - having tried Red Personnas, for example, I was most underwhelmed, yet many people highly rate them. I ought to mention that I like Wilkies and haven't dared try a Derby yet as I've heard so many horror stories about them.
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