Women and men‏

Tuesday March 5, 2013
This probably is the best illustration you will ever see on this subject........

Women in three pictures…


Men in three pictures…

SamuraiJack said:
This probably is the best illustration you will ever see on this subject........

Women in three pictures…

Men in three pictures…

This is extremely funny! Thanks for posting! :icon_razz:

pugh-the-special-one said:
Very amusing but I'll leave you with this one.

It's the bottle of whiskey that speaks loudest in this photo!
Re: RE: Women and men‏

Bechet45 said:
It is funny but spoiled for me by the battery farming effect. Poor cock! And a whole house of hens in similar condition.

Oh! for Cries-sake, I hope the Ethical Evangelists' Chain has not been pulled!

Maybe you recognise the above quote.... Your stance in response to a post I made about Kopi Luwak?
ollie9091 said:
Bechet45 said:
It is funny but spoiled for me by the battery farming effect. Poor cock! And a whole house of hens in similar condition.

Oh! for Cries-sake, I hope the Ethical Evangelists' Chain has not been pulled!

Maybe you recognise the above quote.... Your stance in response to a post I made about Kopi Luwak?

Your post was of such great interest that I can't for the life of me recall it.
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