Wolfman razors - abandon all yer monies ... big things coming up


Not news to some but in case you're a fan of Wolfman razors (I know I am) there are some things James is planning that will eat your wallet.

In the plans are;
- adjustable razor,
- slant razor,
- SE razor for ALL types of blades,
- and new stands, boxes and stuff.

This TSE video has James reply back to some commonly asked questions about what the upcoming plans are and how the waiting list will work

Totally agree with MPH I'm not prepared to get excited over a whiff of smoke. what is the point if you cannot actually buy one? Bring them to market. If you have a product that you can supply to those that want one, do it. If not stop waving them in peoples faces with a 'Look what you could have won attitude'. At the end of the day it is only a blade carrier, The blade does the work.
It's a bit like UFO handles, it's one guy who decided to make a shaving product that ended up taking the community by storm, with the end result that people ordered them faster than they could be made leading to a supply problem.

Wolfman razors are second to none when it comes to quality, so I can see why James wants to continue making them himself rather than outsourcing production.
As nice as they are/look, I can't get excited either. Get stock out there at a reasonable price and if they are as good as everyone says then they WILL sell. I'm not interested in "waiting lists"!

With options such as never getting one and having to jump at the drop of a notification email I find waiting lists to be a rather civilized way to sign up for something where demand is greater than production rate.

When it comes to artisanal/one person businesses I don't think one can have the same expectations as one have of a larger enterprise (such as availability, stock levels, etc).
When you buy a non-batch artisanal product such as a razor I believe that you also buy into the process (handmade, high quality, personal contact, etc) as much as into the product itself - and in situations like that I don't mind a waiting list
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With options such as never getting one and having to jump at the drop of a notification email I find waiting lists to be a rather civilized way to sign up for something where demand is greater than production rate.

When it comes to artisanal/one person businesses I don't think one can have the same expectations as one have of a larger enterprise (such as availability, stock levels, etc).
When you buy a non-batch artisanal product such as a razor I believe that you also buy into the process (handmade, high quality, personal contact, etc) as much as into the product itself - and in situations like that I don't mind a waiting list
Yeah, I get that and know what you mean. I guess I'm just impatient...
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