Wolfman ATT or Blackbird?

I have a modest collection of razors. Some vintage and some modern. Two of them are high end razors. RR StealthSlant and Hone Type 15. I'm thinking to add to my collection one more high end razor. ATT S2 or Wolfman open comb or Blackbird polished version. Need an advise from people who owns one or more of this razors. What the difference and unique about each one.

You've got a very difficult, if not almost impossible choice there between 3 really great top-notch razors Felix.

I would base your purchase decision as follows:

If you like and want a standard OC then the Wolfman is streets ahead of the others.
If you prefer slants then ATT is the definite way forward.
If you want a DE that cuts as well as a slant and is best used like an SE then the Blackbird is the only razor of this type in existence.

The build quality on all 3 is excellent.

I would rate the aggressiveness as being (with the most aggressive first) Wolfman, Blackbird, ATT S2.

In terms of smoothness I would rate it as (with the smoothest first) Blackbird, ATT S2 and then Wolfman.

In terms of ease of use, the Wolfman and ATT are very easy to use. The Blackbird has a much greater learning curve, but when you hit the sweet spot it sings very sweetly.

My choice out of all three would be the Blackbird. :)
I find the ATT R2 to be more like the more aggressive Wolfman than the S2.
The blackbird is a different beast in that it's a different angle and level of pressure to the two above.
You've got a very difficult, if not almost impossible choice there between 3 really great top-notch razors Felix.

I would base your purchase decision as follows:

If you like and want a standard OC then the Wolfman is streets ahead of the others.
If you prefer slants then ATT is the definite way forward.
If you want a DE that cuts as well as a slant and is best used like an SE then the Blackbird is the only razor of this type in existence.

The build quality on all 3 is excellent.

I would rate the aggressiveness as being (with the most aggressive first) Wolfman, Blackbird, ATT S2.

In terms of smoothness I would rate it as (with the smoothest first) Blackbird, ATT S2 and then Wolfman.

In terms of ease of use, the Wolfman and ATT are very easy to use. The Blackbird has a much greater learning curve, but when you hit the sweet spot it sings very sweetly.

My choice out of all three would be the Blackbird. :)
Agree with all of this.

The next generation of Blackbirds have been toned down slightly I believe, so the learning curve may not be so steep.

Personally, I'm very happy with the 'old' version and didn't have a problem dialling it in.

Of course YMMV.
Is it even possible to buy a wolfman??? If not, then that that needs to be borne in mind. It maybe possible to get one second hand of course, but thats not always acceptable to people.
I have all three of those. TBH I have enjoyed each of them for different reasons. Each is worthwhile. In other words, although it's a decision, all the choices are good.

At the moment, my personal preference over all of those is the ATT S1, but I've only had my Wolfman 0.74 back from adjustment for a few days, so I might change my mind once I've got the hang of it.
You've got a very difficult, if not almost impossible choice there between 3 really great top-notch razors Felix.

I would base your purchase decision as follows:

If you like and want a standard OC then the Wolfman is streets ahead of the others.
If you prefer slants then ATT is the definite way forward.
If you want a DE that cuts as well as a slant and is best used like an SE then the Blackbird is the only razor of this type in existence.

The build quality on all 3 is excellent.

I would rate the aggressiveness as being (with the most aggressive first) Wolfman, Blackbird, ATT S2.

In terms of smoothness I would rate it as (with the smoothest first) Blackbird, ATT S2 and then Wolfman.

In terms of ease of use, the Wolfman and ATT are very easy to use. The Blackbird has a much greater learning curve, but when you hit the sweet spot it sings very sweetly.

My choice out of all three would be the Blackbird. :)
Thank you
For those who has all three brands of razors, do you feel that all three are equal in terms of league or caliber , just different in terms of feel, aggressiveness and efficiency ??
Not sure if this helps you or muddles your decision - but here's a snap of some of the 'higher end' (whatever the definition might be) razors made in the past five years or so.

beautiful!! lovely collection... it doesnt really muddle my decision. More like some of those are harder to buy and not easy to come by....
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