WLT Treet Carbon Steel Blade

Wednesday March 10, 2010
I purchased 50 of these and I am not getting on with them at all, I would like to trade them for some different blades that I have not tried yet. Have tried most of the in production Gillettes and a few others.
If you are interested in a trade PM me, I should add there are about 47 left.
They are they ones in the ones in the Yellow and Red packaging with white writing, the blades are black with cream coloured writing on them.
These blades look lovely but I thought they were dreadful.

Still, I'm sure someone will like them. YMMV and all that.....
Ah yes, the delightful 'Black Beauties'......I tried those years ago, based on Michael's (LeisureGuy) recommendation. Yeah, and he's not the only one who likes those black bloodsuckers. I believe the first two downward strokes were enough to see what a bad fit these things were for me. I think I mighta even stuck another of the same blade in my razor, to make sure I didn't get a dud. Those are a brutal little blade.

You know, I'd bet it was pretty tough shaving with a DE before 1965 or so. Up till then, all the DE blades were carbon and most likely gave a rough ride no matter what the brand. I'd guess it wasn't until Wilkinson came up with stainless steel blades that the shaves became more comfortable. Gillette followed soon after.

I didn't find the blades brutal in fact the opposite the reason I am not keen on them is because I don't get my usual close shave with 2 passes. I guess I am used to my Gillettes. it's strange how different blades effect different people, me I would not give Feathers bathroom space as they make my face feel like I have sanded the whiskers off.......but others swear by them...........but hey horses for courses as they say.
I haven't used these blades in since Connaught stopped selling them. At the time I hadn't tried many blades but these were by far the best. I had a look in my stash and I still had a pack. So I just had a shave with one in a flare tip rocket and nanny's silly soap. It took three passes and a touch up pass. These blades still very good and I would have like to trade for these but I haven't got much choices in blades at the moment. Sharks, some gillette silver blues and derby's.