Williams Aqua Velva

Hitchin, Herts
I've been working in Brussels for a couple of days and popped into the Carrefour after meetings, by pleasant chance I saw a bottle of Aqua Velva on the shelves. At 9 Euros I thought it was worth a shot given the old school reputation amongst the wet shaving community. I'd never previously had the chance to try it, just seen it mentioned on here.

Having now tried it I do like it a lot, clean and masculine and kind of straightforward, i.e. not too complex.

Where do other TSR members get theirs, I've never seen it in the UK? Is it generally widely available elsewhere in Europe? The addresses on the box included Brussels, Rotterdam, Paris and Thayngen (Switzerland) so it looks pretty widely distributed. I always thought it was a USA product.
It's sold widely in drug stores in Canada (i.e. Shoppers Drug Mart and Rexall).

I too had been looking for it without any luck in UK so I was thinking it must be from the USA (which is what it says on the label).
If I remember it was about $6 (CAN) which is about £4, so pretty cheap.

I got Aqua Velva Musk, Classic Ice Blue and Sport. The Musk is really good (which is why it comes in a smaller bottle I think).

I think you should be able to buy it on Amazon, it did a quick check and found this link for the Musk
Didn't even realise there were musk and sport versions until now! I bought the classic ice blue which is the only one I've heard of, and the only one that Carrefour had. It's in a glass bottle too which surprises me given the furore on the other forum about plastic bottles since 2011, that must be a USA thing.

Gosh Fancontroller, Shoppers Drug and Rexall, there are two shops I've been in a lot and I never thought to look!

Ebay, this seller has quite a few varieties.

fly3k said:
Ebay, this seller has quite a few varieties.


Cheers for the link! I have all the AV but been after some skin bracer for a while plus nearly finished my clubman so ordered one from there too

I want to get some skin bracer just wonder what it smells like let us know if you get some.
If I can find something to decant some into I'll send you a sample


Just had the Musk delivered £4.75 all in :icon_razz: it comes in a 100ml plastic bottle.
How do they do it at that price :icon_question: cheap as chips.
Just ordered the skin bracer now I know it comes through ok..
Thanks for the link.