Wickham's 1912 Christmas Soap

Couldn't agree more, top bloke.
I second, third and forth that, he is an amazing man and top bloke all round. he love's creating his soaps to meet our user needs and his products never let me down or cease to amaze me in their quality and capability. his the real deal. i'm no ones fan boy if my words make me sound that way, just a humble patron of this talented artisan, great bloke and magic maker. plus I hear he's a 10th degree ninja in soap-fu
He is 10th degree ninja in soap-fu. Fluffy belt.
What is a fanboy or fanboi, is it not someone who is enthusiastic about someones work or product? Or have I got the meaning all wrong?
I've not got any Wickham soaps and after trying the Russian Leather with my arche nemesis "Imperial Leather" generic scent I thought I never would.

However this week I found a long forgotten sample of Cashmere and loved it. Not that easy to lather compared to P&B or OSP but great results and I need the exercise. After Christmas purchase me thinks
I appreciate your honesty but I really don't get the symbiotic link to only one person putting ideas to you that compel you to only buy what they say lol. I'll be totally honest it even scares me a llittle more so as your not joking and is almost cultish.....but then again YMMV p.s. no offence cos your two smashing blokes. but really! lol
But I am joking my friend Do you think I could be persuaded into buying anything I didn't really want? Lighten up dude I was having a laugh ;-) I thought this was the kind of place you could have a joke and laugh with someone and where people did not take things too seriously ,what started out as a joke has in you eyes turned me into some weak willed nut job, so have deleted my offending posts just incase someone else thought my mind was being controlled by another to purchase stuff I didn't want, I will have to be more careful what I say in future.
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Not that easy to lather compared to P&B or OSP

Thats interesting, I have found less effort in all my 1912's compared to 3 p&b's i've owned. loading from a tub with a damp not wet brush in under a 1min load and whip. It gets me mega lather when then adding lil water as I go. with p&b I need to work the lather more due to the tallow or eo oil levels I think.
The Cashmere was a sample so not in a tub, just a piece in the bottom of the bowl, which is exactly how I used P&B. Same bowl and same brush and both bloomed so for myself the only factor was the soap.

That said its not a deciding factor, the lather was good performance wise and I liked tge scent. Citrus Musk sounds nice so might get a sample.
I'm joking too lol. I know you was kidding
I get what your saying. but from my exp as they are two different composed soaps. try a dryer brush with less bloom on the wickhams build a glue type paste and then work your water in. it will kick into action no time but there again YMMV. I use different technique and water ratio every soap. as your right the soap is the only factor that changes and so must your lather technique to what works for the soap. i.e. croaps like my star noir I lather more like a cream than my MWF or other hard triple milled puck
I'll give it a go. Cheers mate
Yea, had this in my calendar, to echo comments, all around decent bloke/guy/fella/chap I'd Darron, few and fair between, there is also a line between fan boy and genuinely knowing, don't forget there is still Scottish Heather after the Christmas one too!!

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? ? scottish heather........what? do you mean the irish fern thats just released or have I missed something?