Wickham Super Smooth Soap vs Martin De Candre

I recently received a tub of unscented MdC as a gift from a good friend and fellow forum member and thought that I'd test it out against some Wickham Super Smooth (apologies if my photos are not up to my normal standard - my DSLR was not available today so I had to use my phone instead).


I chose the unscented version of the Super Smooth for the comparison test as I hadn't used it prior to today and thought that it would be good to try it out against another unscented soap and also help answer a question Darron raised in another thread.


The unscented Super Smooth has hardly any scent at all unlike the MdC which has a faint and pleasing Rosemary and Lavender scent.

I can best describe the unscented Super Smooth as having a very faint moisturising cream smell to it which very quickly dissipates when lathered.

Like the MdC it has very few ingredients listed on the label:


For the test I used my Simpsons PJ2 Super Badger brush and bowl lathered using a Steve Woodhead Pedestal Bowl.

Here's some pictures of the MdC and Super Smooth after a few brush loading swirls:



And some pictures of the two fully lathered:



The MdC created a very nice thick and dense lather whilst the Super Smooth produced almost twice as much lather as the MdC - this was as much of the Super Smooth lather as I could load onto the PJ2 and a fair bit of lather was left in the bowl.

I found the MdC to give greater cushioning during the shave and it left my skin feeling very moisturised post-shave.

This is not to say that the Super Smooth is any slouch in this area though. It gives excellent cushioning and slickness and does provide a good level of post-shave moisturising.

Overall, the MdC felt the nicer soap of the two but only by the narrowest of margins. There is a very big price difference between the two soaps though and on a value-for-money basis the Super Smooth is the clear winner.

Would I buy the Super Smooth again when this tub runs out (which I suspect will be a very long time into the future as so little product is used per shave)?

The answer is a resounding yes - Super Smooth is a great product which, in my view, deserves a place in my soap collection and is up there with the best English, French, German and Italian soaps on the market.
Great review!

I have yet to try the MdC, but after using Darron's soaps for a few weeks now I don't feel I need to - superb stuff. Have you tried any of his other scents? I've got a couple and the Garden Mint is fantastic.
Re: RE: Wickham Super Smooth Soap vs Martin De Candre

mulligano said:
I've got a Bay Rum sample as well - it goes very well with Steve's marvellous Bay Rum Aftershave.

Who is Steve and where can I buy his aftershave :)

Oh and I have a bay rum super smooth sample and I love it. I was surprised at how easy it was to get a good lather.

Bpmjames said:
Who is Steve and where can I buy his aftershave :)

Steve is "Sunburyboy" on the forum here and he makes his own Bay Rum called "Barbershop Bay Rum". It truly is one of the nicest aftershaves (if not the nicest) that I have - I tend to save it for special occasions. He makes it in batches that are, unsurprisingly, sold out in next to no time.

Unfortunately he's on a bit of a hiatus just now, but hopefully he'll be back again soon.
Re: RE: Wickham Super Smooth Soap vs Martin De Candre

mulligano said:
Bpmjames said:
Who is Steve and where can I buy his aftershave :)

Steve is "Sunburyboy" on the forum here and he makes his own Bay Rum called "Barbershop Bay Rum". It truly is one of the nicest aftershaves (if not the nicest) that I have - I tend to save it for special occasions. He makes it in batches that are, unsurprisingly, sold out in next to no time.

Unfortunately he's on a bit of a hiatus just now, but hopefully he'll be back again soon.

Let's hope so, I'd like to try some. It sounds lovely

Sound review, mate!

I've yet to try MdC, but have used a number of Darron's soaps now so put into terms I'd understand with car waxes, is this a Swissvax vs Dodo Juice thing?

... leaving the rest of the forum, bar Dipesh, with a "WTF?" flying over their heads :D
pjgh said:
Sound review, mate!

I've yet to try MdC, but have used a number of Darron's soaps now so put into terms I'd understand with car waxes, is this a Swissvax vs Dodo Juice thing?

... leaving the rest of the forum, bar Dipesh, with a "WTF?" flying over their heads :D


Yeah, it kind of is like Swissvax/Dodo thing Paul.
Re: RE: Wickham Super Smooth Soap vs Martin De Candre

Dipesh said:
pjgh said:
Sound review, mate!

I've yet to try MdC, but have used a number of Darron's soaps now so put into terms I'd understand with car waxes, is this a Swissvax vs Dodo Juice thing?

... leaving the rest of the forum, bar Dipesh, with a "WTF?" flying over their heads :D


Yeah, it kind of is like Swissvax/Dodo thing Paul.

I agree totally!
mulligano said:
I've got a Bay Rum sample as well - it goes very well with Steve's marvellous Bay Rum Aftershave.

Does it indeed? Oof, I'll have to get me some of that! Are you on commission per chance, old boy? Have to agree though, Super Smooth is super excellent. Problem is, the Club Cola sounds very inviting, you've got me very interested in the Garden Mint and if the Bay Rum compliments Steve's Barbershop Bay Rum like you say, then I is snookered. Nae enough shekels! Sheesh, as Marty would say.

I like yon MDC tub - all it needs is an 'F' inserted after 'Savon À' then I can claim it as my own. Mind you, the surname Simpson is a sept of Clan Fraser so do you reckon Mark might give me a free brush since he has my protection?

Car wax, wos that then?
Commission for Darron, or Steve? They both deserve every ounce of praise given. I'm soon to try Sharon's soaps and hope to add hers to my list of brilliant artisans, who also happen to be British.

I would say that Garden Mint is my favourite but just face it Graeme, you're going to buy one of each! Might as well get it while he's got his discount going.

Protection, eh? Sounds like a racket to me!
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