Why oh why do you lot keep this a secret!!!!!

Monday January 26, 2015
I just moved my Wickham club cola sample from its small container to its new soon to be utilized home, and some landed on my fingers, which then got rubbed on my hands..

...SWEET EFFIN JESUS!!! It's awesome, and I mean, AWESOME!! it's on for tonight's shave now!!!!
English Rose is superb! It smells of roses, rather than Turkish Delight; also, there's a nice green note to it, reminiscent of cut stalks. You'll want to continue that with a more sophisticated rose note, rather than a cheapo like Rose of Bulgaria ... something like GFT Eucris would be good.

English Lavender, likewise, is not the usual lavender scent which can often be quite dusty. This is herbal without the dustiness and has a very pleasant minty pick-up, too. Champion, followed by Brut Original.
Not tried Eucris. Might have to keep my eye out and give it a try. My "special occasion" EdT has rose and sandalwood notes so should go well.
pjgh said:
Oh, yes, they're all good!

One seriously good follow-on to Club Cola is Clubman Vanilla Aftershave - the same vanilla, caramel and citrus notes without being at all sickly sweet.

The Clubman Vanilla sounds right up my street. Any recommendations as to where to buy? See it in the US but shipping is very high.
jb74 said:
pjgh said:
Oh, yes, they're all good!

One seriously good follow-on to Club Cola is Clubman Vanilla Aftershave - the same vanilla, caramel and citrus notes without being at all sickly sweet.

The Clubman Vanilla sounds right up my street. Any recommendations as to where to buy? See it in the US but shipping is very high.

I bit the bullet and got mine from the States. I recall postage was not extortionate but a quick skim on eBay shows that almost a tenner for postage of a four quid item is the norm. Keep your eye open. I also got their Special Reserve, so might have combined postage and still kept the bill under the £15 threshold.

Special Reserve is LEATHER! Proper leather! Almost vinegar undertone to it ... in a good way :blush:
I nearly bought some special reserve off Amazon, very cheap from the US but am worried about getting the dreaded grey card through the letterbox!
So long as the value is under £15 the Tax Man is not interested. Even so, it's tax plus handling (about £8), which you can factor into the cost ... if the total is acceptable, do it. If it makes more sense to buy multiple and breech the £15 threshold, do that.
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