Who knew being passionate about a brush would get you banned

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Friday April 2, 2010
Either I have a knack for tickling tw*ts or people really have aversion to Peter's brush. The latter I highly doubt unless you're close-minded fool. This takes me back to when Zach left SMF. I'd a feeling I'd get the same treatment sooner or later. Except Zach was wise in leaving that blasted forum. I'd stake my life the very bitches who complained and moaned about Zach's Boar postings very much against mine with regards to Peter's brush. It's evident what ever brush I can get my hands on, I attempt to post about whether it's good or bad brush. No sugarcoating BS ie I liked couple Semogue brushes 620 and 830 while I didn't like the 1470 due to its flaccidity etc...

This entire novella was posted at New Forest Brush thread I posted at SMF ( sans Gordon's love letter to me because I have that much regard for Gordon or SMF mods until now ) as well as sent over to Gordon:

bernards66 said:
Evening Ivan. As a moderator I have received a couple of PMs that voice a concern regarding what they perceive as some kind of under the table relationship with 'Fido' and his New Forest brush operation....that you seem to be acting as somewhat of his 'front man' on SMF; gathering information, reviewing brushes hours before they're offered for sale and other such things that he could not legitimately do in the non-Shopping forums himself. I don't necessarily believe this to be true but it is, apparently, the perception of some ( such an arrangement would, of course, be contra to some of our guidelines ). So, I would ask you to avoid any behaviors that could give that impression. Thanks for your cooperation.


Thank you for letting me know. I knew there would be wretched haters out there ( not saying you ). Very much same haters on DFS and SMF that posted their displeasure on Peter's brushes starting from his vendor thread HERE and DFS HERE

Interesting how no one pointed out "no vendor bashing" clause. A piss-poor attack and EPIC failure at that in attempt to dissuade very generous Gentleman who took time and money to invest in brushes he like many others are passionate about.

When all Peter did was introduce a brush at reasonable price.

But yet when I post about my dissatisfaction of a $450 custom razor from well known craftsman ( not his fault ) sold by a "reputable" vendor with his own shaving forum, I get pulled aside. Understandable as there are ways of going about it but if my being blunt is not accepted that said vendor is a god or this supposed "honemeister" but razor tugs on beard upon receipt of razor there's something going on there. Bear in mind my experience with other less expensive genuine Japanese razors ranging from 150-300 shaved significantly better. To think the Japanese generally have little to nonexistent facial hair.

There are miserable people out there. Such misery can and often lead to mind numbing ignorance and stupidity. I should know I experienced this in customer service and sales alike.

Also whoever alleged "I got the brushes before sale" is as high as a kite and should learn the facts before spewing their bloody carcass. I don't care if it's Peter's brush or anyone else I love shaving brushes.

Peter announced the sale of the New Forest on 25th of June

New Forest Superior Badger 2201

I don't recall if I posted it publicly but fact is Peter shipped the brush to me on the 28th of June ( 3 days after OFFICIAL sale ) and I was surprised to have gotten it on Friday 2nd of July. Hence the post on the 3rd:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43856" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43856</a><!-- m -->
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Since no one posted about their initial impressions on any forum, I reckon why should I not? It's a brush forum after all.
Now that we're on it and I didn't think I had to be really detailed here's proof it was sent to me 3 days after it's initial sale:


I can retake the shot if that's too small.

I got called out on being "anti-badger" here and another forum.
It's funny now that I post a review about positive traits of Badger all of a sudden I have this "hidden agenda."

If people are going to have concerns about me because I passed on the Rooney brushes from 2 vendors who didn't get back to me after week or so of waiting what would possess me to do business with them?

Since I've a contact with manufacture who supplied Rooney's Badgers hell probably even their Style 1-3 handles , why shouldn't I capitalize on it? It's a free market. If people with disposable income or even trust fund babies with stupid money want to spend $200-$649 on brush so be it. Good for them. I'd rather spend that on a genuine Japanese razor. To each his own.

Forgive me for wanting to charge my fellow "shave enthusiasts" 1/10th of its mark up price.

Strangely enough I did buy some brushes from VintageBlades for a buddy of mine since they do not ship worldwide.

For the record as stated in this thread:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44122" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44122</a><!-- m -->

I wanted to update fact that VB did in fact get back to me since their offices were "closed" a memo I have missed since apparently wasn't posted anywhere on their site.

Yet HERE this vendor posts in bold RED they're on vacation and provided shipping details.

Now call me frugal or cheapskate whatever I'm not going to spend $75 on a company who's history is questionable. Come to think of it, the only brush manufacturer I know little to nothing about. I can read ad nauseum the Rooney thread here which was pretty much a pissing contest or the one in TSR no difference.

Make no mistake I've nothing against any Rooney vendor I've simply decided to pass it up.

I contacted Omega and they responded to my brush inquires. I contacted the 2 vendors for Vie-Long and were more than helpful with such inquiries. I contacted Vulfix and dealt with both Mark and Philip. From a client's standpoint one can surmise where loyalties fall under. Of the awesome 3, Vie-Long is dwarfed with its rather short 1940 start .

Never thought I'd openly admit this but I recant my words from past. Having spent $100 or so on a White badger ( which obviously does not compare to people who see fit to spend $566 on brush ) I feel elated. One of my most expensive ( probably the most ) Badger and have no qualms or regrets whatsoever. Why? I was educated on nearly every bit of detail as far as their brush grades are concerned-what makes their brush a brush. Granted I wasn't provided a tour of their factory but that's irrelevant really. The fact remains there's a consistency with their brushes. Brushes that have yet to fail me. Brushes that impacted me. So much so I was compelled to acquire every grade sans Silvertip. I reckon few things remain are the Olive wood brushes and the Barber's neck duster.

Truth be told since you're going to find out about it sooner or later, I've been planning on selling brushes for sometime. Peter got a head start and I'm extremely elated for him.

All the Boars I've accumulated can and should be attributed to Zach's passion for Boars. In the midst of amassing nearly entire Omega line in short time ( due to positive experience from Omega 21047 ) I've grown to appreciate them even more after discovering Zach's threads and I can't thank him enough for that. Words can't describe the sheer awesomeness that exuded from A Beginner's guide to Boar brushes / the science of the Boar and The Psychology of the Boar.

Since I loved my first 21047 Boar I sought to pick up its Silvertip counterpart 599 as well as another in 615. Further, I picked up a Vulfix 2273 Super as mentioned in prior threads. Not to discount my first Simpsons B4 Pure and Wee Scot thereafter.

Later on picked up Vie-Long as can be seen:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43297" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43297</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shaveready.com/showthread.php?t=312" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shaveready.com/showthread.php?t=312</a><!-- m -->

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Clearly I have no bias towards any brush. Scratch that I am passionate about aforementioned brushes backed by a manufacturer and great communication of its vendors. One still remains I'm still passionate about my Boars. When it comes to brushes or razors for that matter I'll talk about them be it good/bad I'll spread the word. If people are so miserable with their own pathetic existence and want to be ignorant about it then they can simply click Back button or simply not elect to read my threads at all. There's ~6700 members one or two ought to find something applicable.

Now that I think about it it's people that PM'ed you is one of unfortunate reasons I posted my "Boar Renaissance" thread elsewhere ( even including its counterpart Badger ). I didn't want another episode of what happened with Zach. I reckon there will be whiners so let them whine.

To each his own my friend.



Say what?!

So one can sense a pattern here I get banned for nonsensical reason at B&B and now SMF. When you see my postings you see me for who I am there's no interweb personna I create. Unfortunately being the world wide web majority of people are p*ssies. Sitting back with their sticky fingers to their keyboards. Who knew there would be illiterates at a 6700 member shaving forum full of 30 to 9000-year-old seniled farts. A forum where there's supposedly "mature" men. I'm not perfect by any means and if I make a mistake, I admit to it. Especially when I posted that both Classic and VintageBlades were ignoring my Rooney Style 1 Size 1 questions. After being contacted by VB, I updated such thread so they don't look bad for would-be clients. Classic never responded to my queries whatsoever...

You can keep your Rooneys. I'll make my own from very people who provided their Badgers and probably their very handles.
Out of respect for Peter, I'll be changing mine from 7611 ( Peter's 2211 ) to 7608 in reference to Finest grade. If this forum where even a scintilla the 2 aforementioned excuse me I mean 3 forums, I'd get banned with the quickness let's not give Peter a friendly competition and ban Ivan instead. But alas, TSR is no such forum. Far from it, few months being here there are friendly debates that ensue while camaraderie is still in place. Camaraderie that isn't reduced to petty squabbles and favouritism in other forums case a lot of c*** sucking.

Whether or not you picked up Peter's brush is but small portion in this case. This is about a forum like two others each housing 20k members. Run by tyranny and cliques of close-minded circlejerks. If your opinion wavers in anyway shape or form from the general consensus you're not cool.

I'm beginning to think a vendor or two got butthurt over my posting or tw*twaffle members being emofa*gs. Go cry in a corner kid...

Whoever banned me at SMF be it Gordon or whomever: I wish you and your family to live in interesting times and may you find what you're looking for.

Another one bites the dust...
And the plot thickens...

As useless as the software on that forum is-namely the search function at SMF is as useful as a nuns tits.

I got this e-mail ( obviously i couldn't respond to it ):

Hello SiR-ed8,

Member drmoss_ca from "SMF" has just sent you a new private message to your account, and you have requested that you be notified on this event. The content of the message is as follows:

Subject: Continued SMF membership

It has come to my attention that I have a hidden agenda.

I knew there would be wretched haters out there.

The post beginning this way has been moved into the Mods and Admins forum. We have been discussing the fact that several members have sent PMs about their perception that you seem to shill for Fido. Whether or not you do so, the fact is that the perception is out there. Rather ironic in view of your link to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=512919#512919" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewto ... 919#512919</a><!-- m -->. No doubt you have your reasons, but notwithstanding these, we have been getting complaints about these posts.

Was this post your way of responding to the PM that Gordon sent? A PM that was thoroughly discussed amongst the mods & admins. If so I must say it is both rude and inadequate as an answer. The moderators will be holding a vote on whether you continue as a member, and the majority will win the day. I am bound by majority votes, and if the majority goes against you I shall be forced to remove you. Then I shall have to consider whether Fido was a knowing accessory to this matter. Just how I like to spend a Sunday! I shall not be sending you a PM if the vote goes against you, as you will not be able to receive it. You'll find out when you can't log in. If the majority find you shall stay, there may be warnings and conditions which I shall pass on to you. No doubt you will complain and argue about all this, but there is only one thing for you to really consider, which is why this keeps on happening to you at various forums.


Various forums? I've only been banned on one pathetic shaveforum. I've been on 300k member forum that went from greatness and dwindled down to shit when it got sold to company who doesn't give two shits about its members. Please spare me. I've been on better bigger forums.

BTW it doesn't help that ACCCCJD whatever that blasted handle is in fact a member of Bile&Bullshi*t. Such ignorance to post at Peter's thread "I don't see any comments by you at B&B on your brush." Umm gee could it be that he was banned?! What an amazing idiot!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43858" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43858</a><!-- m -->

Glad you're entertained. One may think "oh great here's the endless rant yet again..." but this time it's not just me. It's one thing to insult me I've thick skin. These goofballs apparently don't. It's another to accuse friend to commission me to act as an agent. Attack me all you want you parasitic sycophantic fiend but don't f*ck with my family, friends, colleagues and even acquaintances.
As much as I enjoy reading your brush posts Ivan, it is or was on the cards. Not knowing all of the problems or politics that were involved with some of what you have stated, there are quite a few forum members that frequent all (well most) of these shaving forums and carry across those forums one problem/argument/agenda.

I will give B&B, in regards to the NFSB thread their dues, in that they did, in there purge of that thread remove an attempt to dirty the water by the Mod/member that was the catalyst for thread deviation, who linked within his post the thread from SMF. This was a post that had no other reason than to get this thread so off line that he could argue a point in getting it removed.

All the best fella, stay on board, play the game... :)
Re: And the plot thickens...

SiR-ed8 said:
It has come to my attention that I have a hidden agenda.

I knew there would be wretched haters out there.

Starting a post in this way was only going to end badly.

Its a tricky one being a Mod you are obliged to take up members concerns even when they don't chime with your own view but if you receive back a massive response full of vitriol it becomes harder and harder to remain impartial.

A simple, short response without malice suggesting that some people spend too much time being conspiracy theorists; would have probably been more effective. You can easily point out the validity of the time-line which would make the "haters" case null and void, just a possible approach if anything happens like that again in the future.
My input (in a personal capacity, and not as a moderator here): If it happened to me (it probably wouldn't because I don't big up anything - because we all take different slants on everything - even Merkur blades are liked by some people, Dorco ST-300 must be loved by someone or Dorco wouldn't sell them,...), I certainly wouldn't be shouting about it from the rooftops - I'd probably be irritated for a while, but each & every forum has it's (seemingly arbitrary) lines not to be crossed. Bans and warnings get imposed, the banned/warned feel aggrieved and want to vent, but have no "right of appeal". This is not the place to do that.

I'd much rather we talked here about the shaving, the razors, the soaps/creams/oil (if you must), the brushes, the aftershaves, Pig Cat's deviancy,... rather than moaning about another forum or the behaviour of T. Random-Idiot on the other forum.

Serves nobody's positive interest to do that carping and could actively harm other members here if we're seen to be the "safe haven" in it all.
hunnymonster said:
My input (in a personal capacity, and not as a moderator here): If it happened to me (it probably wouldn't because I don't big up anything - because we all take different slants on everything - even Merkur blades are liked by some people, Dorco ST-300 must be loved by someone or Dorco wouldn't sell them,...), I certainly wouldn't be shouting about it from the rooftops - I'd probably be irritated for a while, but each & every forum has it's (seemingly arbitrary) lines not to be crossed. Bans and warnings get imposed, the banned/warned feel aggrieved and want to vent, but have no "right of appeal". This is not the place to do that.

I'd much rather we talked here about the shaving, the razors, the soaps/creams/oil (if you must), the brushes, the aftershaves, Pig Cat's deviancy,... rather than moaning about another forum or the behaviour of T. Random-Idiot on the other forum.

Serves nobody's positive interest to do that carping and could actively harm other members here if we're seen to be the "safe haven" in it all.

Would that be a shaven haven :?
I'm sorry - everyone's getting this wound up over a shaving brush?

Where's the shakes-head-and-wanders-off-muttering-"I just don't get it" smiley????

I don't want Ivan to be banned (not yet anyway) I just liked the smilies. We need more smilies. I need more smilies.
Jeltz said:
hunnymonster said:
Serves nobody's positive interest to do that carping and could actively harm other members here if we're seen to be the "safe haven" in it all.

Would that be a shaven haven :?

Ha ha!! Now if I ever open a barbers shop I think I'd have to call it that.
None of these threads (and there's already far too many of them) are going to change the World.

Why can't we, live together in perfect harmony, side-by-side on my piano, keyboard?

Oh, Lord.

Bored now.
I'll address as much as I can but for now:

Stu.C said:
I'm sorry - everyone's getting this wound up over a shaving brush?

Where's the shakes-head-and-wanders-off-muttering-"I just don't get it" smiley????


Believe it or not I've friend who's custom brush maker who got banned at Sh*t Gayzor Place. He posted last December only 2x just to help a member find a tube of some kind IIRC only to be threatened by a cowardly Mod via PM. I'd stake my manhood that chav would be destroyed in a second if he were to threaten a military personnel in real life.

How nice threaten those who fought ( and currently still active ) for this country we love to call America. Bottomline, the aforementioned forums are the epitome of P*ssification of America.

Deal was a vendor was threatened by my buddy's God given talents and such complained to his butt buddy Mod. They deleted/moved my buddy's thread. I've seen the very threads. There was no violation of the sort. Rule was vendor is allowed to post 2 threads a month and only to bump one's thread when applicable not just simply "BUMP" for the sake of whoring out one's thread. If other members such as myself bump such thread the vendor is not held liable.
antdad said:

I don't want Ivan to be banned (not yet anyway) I just liked the smilies. We need more smilies. I need more smilies.

:shave :D :hungrig :) ;) :( :eek: :shock: :? :cool: :?: :!: :roll: :twisted: :evil: :cry: :oops: :p :x :lol: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek:
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