Which Witch Hazels / hwɪtʃ wɪtʃ heɪzəlz

So today in Boots, lads, I'm browsing the shaving stuff, as you do while SWMBO does her thing, and I soon become bored with the paltry offering for wet shavers. Then something comes to mind, on which I have done little research.
Witch Hazel.
As far as I'm aware it's a natural astringent.
Supposedly used as an ASB or in conjunction with an alum block. I use alum and fancy giving the Witch Hazel a run. Anyway I headed upstairs where they keep the more medically-oriented stuff, pregnancy tests and E45 cream, etc.
And lo and behold, witch hazel...
But not just one witch hazel. Two.
I am presented with 35ml of Witch Hazel Gel at £3.00GBP and 200ml of Distilled Witch Hazel at £2.00

Which Witch Hazel do you recommend? Which are you using? Gel or distilled?

Obviously as a Yorkshireman I'm looking at £/litre and thinking distilled but is that what I want?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I member here was kind enough to send me a tube of WH gel. It was very much like 444 balm without the eucalyptus. Nice, my preteen daughter also thought so and confiscated it. I would buy both.
I asked this question a while back, and found out that distilled is what I was after. I can't comment on the gel but there are "liquid" witch hazels which contain alcohol. It is included in some of the Thayers witch hazel which comes highly recommended, but I thought this wouldn't be good for the skin so stuck with the distilled witch hazel.

I bought one from Boots, then found it cheaper in sainsburies, £1.59 for the same size bottle. I've put mine in a little spray bottle, and just give my face a blast after the cold splash. Don't bother with the alum anymore.
I use the Boots witch hazel gel, which is very convenient and readily available. I did order a different gel the ebay this week (just search witch hazel gel) but the idea to decant the liquid into a spray bottle sounds worth a try.

Just for the record, after my shave and shower, I do a cold water splash, use Alum block, pat dry with towel, then apply witch hazel gel, followed by after shave/balm
I use both, I haven't used the gel for a while though. I prefer the liquid at the moment, I use it as a splash in an old Speick aftershave bottle. I have Sainsbury's version at the moment.

Post shave I have a cold water rinse, witch hazel splash, then aftershave splash after the witch hazel has dried. It works well for me.
Thanks guys! I do love my alum. I'll get the distilled in Sainsbo's if that's cheapest and do my experiment: as an alum substitute and then in conjunction with it.
SmallBeard said:
I asked this question a while back, and found out that distilled is what I was after. I can't comment on the gel but there are "liquid" witch hazels which contain alcohol. It is included in some of the Thayers witch hazel which comes highly recommended, but I thought this wouldn't be good for the skin so stuck with the distilled witch hazel.

I bought one from Boots, then found it cheaper in sainsburies, £1.59 for the same size bottle. I've put mine in a little spray bottle, and just give my face a blast after the cold splash. Don't bother with the alum anymore.

Recently I spoke with a guy who produces a 'home brewed' WH. I asked him about the alcohol that he adds to it. He states that its used as a preservative and is used to increase the shelf live of the product.
Ah, that's interesting. Is that the only purpose it serves in a witch hazel solution, or does it have other benefits too?

How long is the shelf life of ordinary, distilled witch hazel?
SmallBeard said:
Ah, that's interesting. Is that the only purpose it serves in a witch hazel solution, or does it have other benefits too?

How long is the shelf life of ordinary, distilled witch hazel?

At £2 a bottle from Boots I don't think it matters but in any event the shelf life wll be longer than you need if you use it after every shave.

Regarding the alcohol content, Thayers have vesrions both with and without so the longevity rationale doesn't seem to be an issue with them. I slightly prefer their A/S version (with alcohol) but it would not bother me if I could onlg get the alcohol free. By the way, if you get Thayers, don't remove the foil under the cap - just pierce it as it makes it easier to dispense.
UKRob said:
SmallBeard said:
Ah, that's interesting. Is that the only purpose it serves in a witch hazel solution, or does it have other benefits too?

How long is the shelf life of ordinary, distilled witch hazel?

At £2 a bottle from Boots I don't think it matters but in any event the shelf life wll be longer than you need if you use it after every shave.

That's what I thought, so was wondering if it really needs the alcohol to increase it's shelf life.
And of course, I never asked how long it would be good for:)-([attachment=8127][attachment=8128][attachment=8129]


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