Which Semogue?

Go to agree what a fantastic looking handle. Very nice.

Helveticum said:
SmallBeard said:
I have the SOC boar in cherry, and it's a good brush. It face lathers well too. I personally prefer the Omega knots to Semogue ones, but if your heart is set on a Semogue then I think the boar could a good choice, if you like boars already.

However, all I've heard is how excellent the mixed knot is, so if you want to spend a little more money then go for it :)

Not a fan of boars, Helveticum? :icon_razz:

I've tried them all, very patiently. Not worth the effort. I can get 10x more lather in 10x less time with a synthetic. Or a good silvertip (well, almost). Yeah, that includes hard soaps and face lathering.

P.S. If anyone wants to prove their point, we can arrange a video challenge - your boar against my synth :icon_rolleyes:

Sort of did this last night.

Chris sent me over his Meuhle V1 knot to compare against my Kent Infinity from the synthetic thread I started - I need to update this since he sent me the V1 but I felt I needed to get the hang of these more before actually updatng the thread. I lathered the two of them up last night with Arko (two sticks crushed in to a bowl)and did likewise with my Omega No.37.

As much as I've previously not been the biggest fan of synths I must say both of them were easier to lather and produced better lather than the No.37 and in much less time as well. I hand lathered and didn't use a bowl as I've previously struggled away from the bowl with synths.

Was quite shocked. I'm still experimenting with the 2 synths with test lathers at the moment but I'm starting to get the feel for them now so they may actually be called in to proper action soon.

Not sure I would actually go with another boar. I love my Pro 48 but since getting badgers the boars have been a poor second and I even think as I get more experienced with symths they may be losing the silver medal as well.

Apologies for the thread hijack
Just pulled the trigger on a SOC cherry mixed brush and an 830 boar,hopefully that will sort my brush needs out for a while!
Thanks for the input everyone! Good job I already have a Muehle Synthetic or I'd be after one of those now:icon_razz:
tonyspurs said:
Just pulled the trigger on a SOC cherry mixed brush and an 830 boar,hopefully that will sort my brush needs out for a while!
Thanks for the input everyone! Good job I already have a Muehle Synthetic or I'd be after one of those now:icon_razz:

I don't think you'll be disappointed with the 830, I'm very impressed with mine.
Both the boar and badger SOCs are well worth owning. The 2-band is excellent and represents brilliant value for a respectable knot; I've read comparisons by which it passes muster with Simpson Best and Shavemac Finest (neither of which I've yet tried). The boar is a big brush. I prefer smaller knots, usually, but I still make time for it. It's becoming softer and softer over the months/year I've owned it and yet it retains excellent backbone. The lather flows easily from the brush when applying - it's loft, bristle gauge and density mean it's no lather hog. It has all the best features of a boar, basically, although (to my tastes) it's a few mm too big. I tend to pair it with soft soaps, loaded heavily, and either bowl or face lather it.

One difference that I find between my synthetics and my boars is that, while my Muhle creates lather with far more ease, my boars slowly whip up a creamier lather. This is, of course, completely anecdotal with little truly empirical reasoning. The latest generation means that there's definitely room for synthetic fibre brushes - where last year that wasn't really the case.
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