Which Semogue?

Funny Farm
I feel I should have a Semogue in my brush rotation but can't decide which to get, I fancy the OC in cherry but boar or 2 band? I have an Omega no 80 boar which I use so would the OC in boar be similar?
I'm after a brush for face lathering soaps which makes me think maybe the 2 band as it's not as big a knot as the boar? Any input appreciated :icon_razz:
I have the SOC boar in cherry, and it's a good brush. It face lathers well too. I personally prefer the Omega knots to Semogue ones, but if your heart is set on a Semogue then I think the boar could a good choice, if you like boars already.

However, all I've heard is how excellent the mixed knot is, so if you want to spend a little more money then go for it

Not a fan of boars, Helveticum? :icon_razz:

I've tried them all, very patiently. Not worth the effort. I can get 10x more lather in 10x less time with a synthetic. Or a good silvertip (well, almost). Yeah, that includes hard soaps and face lathering.

P.S. If anyone wants to prove their point, we can arrange a video challenge - your boar against my synth :icon_rolleyes:

That's fair enough. No need for a challenge, we all have what works for us.

What are you using currently, as I saw you put your 23mm Muehle up in the BST?

Sorry to derail the thread OP!
SmallBeard said:
That's fair enough. No need for a challenge, we all have what works for us.

What are you using currently, as I saw you put your 23mm Muehle up in the BST?

Sorry to derail the thread OP!

Well, I've got a 25mm Muehle with a custom handle (made by Daz), and planning to get a 23mm one with a posh handle as well. So it's Muehle V2 all the way for me.

Very nice! Any pictures already posted that I've missed, or any you can show us now?
wish i never read that now....anyone wanna buy a SOC boar....or 2

just purchased a Frank Shaving pur tech for a tenner too
SmallBeard said:
Very nice! Any pictures already posted that I've missed, or any you can show us now?

Keep forgetting to take some shots during a weekend, as by the time I'm back from work there's not enough light. So anyway, here's the only pic I've got so far:

P.S. consider the trail derailed :s
That's gorgeous, if anything is worth derailing the thread for, it's that. I look forward to more when you've got them . Daz, if you're reading this, you're a very talented man, good job!