Which SE Razor for a SE Newbie?

West Norfolk. UK

I am a complete SE Virgin I have never even held such a razor least of all put one near my face but I would really like to try, mainly just because I can and the fact that these razors seem to be reasonably easy to come by.

Sunburyboy has some lovely looking ones for sale here on this forum and they don't seem to make huge sums of money on e-bay. I have however noticed that 95% of the GEMs that are for sale are from the states I guess is this is because they were a USA only made razor?

Anyway I have read every post on this forum and many on other forums and the more I read the more confused I seem to become. My main concern is just how aggressive are they and which models are the least aggressive or rather the most forgiving for somebody new to SE shaving? I would have no concerns at all were it not for my experiences with the Muhle R41 which leaves my entire face feeling sore and abraded.

This may of course (and probably will be) down to my lack of finesse and poor technique, I simply wanted to buy the easiest SE razor to 'conquer', some models must (like everything else in life) be easier to master than others.

I really would appreciate your thought and advice.

Very Many Thanks
They did make the Gem "E bar" in England and they do turn up now and then on UK flea bay, as it happens it's also my favorite SE.

I'd say try a G-bar in any of its guises (push button, light weight...etc) You still need to have a reasonable touch but it's not as stupidly aggressive as some. I've just lent one out but if you are willing to wait you can try it or scan US ebay where they are extremely common.
My own (entirely subjective) take is that pretty much any SE will be a much more natural first choice for anyone who has been using a throwaway or cartridge razor. The angle of the shaving head will feel much more natural and similar to what you are used to and if you use a light touch the chances of minor nicks or weepers seem much more reduced as compared to initial use of a DE.
My personal fave SE is an Ever Ready Streamline, which seems to be generally perceived as one of the mildest. I'd rather term it one of the most civilised and elegant in both appearance and performance. Unfortunately they are also at the more expensive & rarer end of the spectrum. Having said which my own cost £35, which whilst dear for an SE is hardly a King's ransom when it comes to razors.
Any of the SEs Sunbury has for sale at the moment would be a goodly purchase imo and all the kit I've bought from him in the past has been better than described when it has arrived.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
I personally fell in love with a bullet tip yesterday. Gonna be selling my Clog Pruf shortly, let me know if you want it ;) For me it's not as smooth as a bullet tip but certainly a good entry (and much cheaper one too ;))
Otherwise, as suggested - any of the SEs that have flooded BST thread will do to get you going, then it's a trial and error way.
I've got 3 that you can try out if you want to Dick; an Ever Ready 1912, a Gem Micromatic OC and a PAL adjustable.

That way you can work out which is best for you. :)
I will probably get whinged at here but I went for a shavette first (Bluebeards Revenge) as it was a very cheap option to see if i can learn some of the techniques and if I develop a feel for it. Good news is I have a Red Dovo Black Star in the post as we speak as I am getting rather fond of this new skill. I can already see better results after each shave and hardly nick myself at all. At least this way you wont be £200 down with some designer facial scars if you cant get on with it.
My suggestion would be an Ever Ready 1912 pattern, or one of the Schick injectors from the "G" model onwards, ( I, J, L or M adjustable). In my case both seemed intuitive to use after years of cartridge shaving, and resulted in great, clean and smooth, shaves.

The Schick prices on Ebay seem to have gone up a lot in the few months since I aquired mine though :icon_sad:


antdad said:
They did make the Gem "E bar" in England and they do turn up now and then on UK flea bay, as it happens it's also my favorite SE.

I'd say try a G-bar in any of its guises (push button, light weight...etc) You still need to have a reasonable touch but it's not as stupidly aggressive as some. I've just lent one out but if you are willing to wait you can try it or scan US ebay where they are extremely common.

Agree. Most of the ones I bought or saw on eBay have been very reasonable. It's a neat razor and gives a nice shave. One of the few SE or DE I'd use in the shower without a mirror. Easy to use around our mouth area too.
I was an SE virgin till about ten days ago. I have been using an Ever Ready 1912, and have to say that I've had very good results.

The GEM coated blades are very sharp, and long lasting, as I got five shaves out of my first two, and maybe could have got even more.

The strange thing is, that I've had no razor burn and no nicks at all with the SE. I have had one or two weepers, with a new blade, but nothing compared with the carnage I've managed with some combinations of DE and blade.

Whatever razor you settle on, good luck!
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