Which Horse?

You'll all be unsurprised to know that I went for a 12705 in the end.

Can't complain for £12 delivered and if I don't get on with it then it will soon appear at a reduced price on the BST!

I purchased just a few weeks ago the Vie Long 13061M. I am delighted with it. I mainly face lather and it knocks up a really good lather quite rapidly with soaps, including MWF and I have hard water.

From the reading I have done this model has a stiffer knot than the bleached model 13061. The handle is a delight to hold and I like the dual colour, but irrespective of the colour; IMHO, the handle shape and size is what counts and I find it superb!

The knot I have to say does look a little 'scruffy' compared with some brushes perhaps it is just because it is a horse brush; it does not however effect the performance one bit.

Gifts and care dispatched it right away and it was in my porch within 5 days!

I also have one of those enormous Turkish brushes from the Shaving factory that are called 'bristle' but some people claim are horse. I do not know what they are, and there may be something lost in translation here perhaps? They certainly look like boar bristle and the ends are split like bristle (my Vie Long horse brush has not split) In any event they are huge, I filled up my nostrils and both ears with lather using it, only to find out later that the model I have is the Medium, there is a bigger one! You would need to make your lather in a pastry bowl with it!

I would like to try the Turkish No 6 from Best shave which I see is actually described as Horse!

Best Regards
I have 2 of the Turkish No 6 brushes I have one in regular rotation and find it is a good performer either face or bowl lathering. Cheap and cheerful but does a good job. takes a while to get rid of the wet dog smell but for the money you cannot go wrong ?
UKRob said:
GDCarrington said:
I like my 13061. I don't get to use it as much any more with other brushes in the stable.

Can't believe that no-one hasn't already picked up on having a horse hair brush in your stable.

Nice catch!

When the Sharpologist (Mantic59) testing team were testing Synthetics, I decided to obtain a variety of natural brushes to compare tol. I actually have the 13061 and two of the BestShave.net brushes along with a couple of boar brushes and many more Badgers to test against the synthetics.
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