Which Horse?

I know how you feel Paul, there are so many on that site.

I wouldn't mind trying so will be reading this thread with great interest.
Bestshave.net from Turkey. The famous #6 horse 2.45$ US. I've been using 2 in my rotation for months. Have never had problems buying from them. Shipping ~2wks. Enjoy!
I have the 13061. The mix of hairs and the dying process used reduces the backbone somewhat from the 13061M which is not dyed and has a mix that makes the brush stiffer over the long haul.

I like my 13061. I don't get to use it as much any more with other brushes in the stable. If you want one that is a good overall performer the 13061 is a solid choice.
I got the 12705 from gifts&care and am very happy with it. It has just the right height, a good backbone and lathers very well (I'm a bowl latherer myself). I can honestly recommend that brush, in particular for that price.
Only minor complaints could be for some the unusual handle, which is however easy to get used to, and the initial smell - it DOES smell of horse indeed. After a few uses with some of my soaps though that small disappeared.
The best all rounder to see if horse is for you is the 12705 Peleon. It uses VL's standard 23mm natural brown knot with a loft of 55mm. It is dirt cheap and if you like it, then pick one with a better handle down the line.

The undyed is a little better if you face lather with hard soaps but has tips soft enough, especially when broken in, to handle any cream
Dipesh said:
Any suggestions for a face latherer?

Yes, as I am one too ;-). I would say a 12705, but with 1 cm taken of the loft (you can ask Juan for that when you order one, at no extra charge), so it has a bit more backbone. Needless to say I have one like that too.
I use a horsey brush have done for years the one I got is towards the bottom of the page square brwonish handle blackish hair its brill and they're all well made my first one lasted 9 years didn't drop hair wore out great hard soap lather brush softer than boar get a cheapish one
I've been using this one for some time now and love it , it packs a massive punch for a small brush I can bowl lather or face lather with it , and I think it's a good price .

Tall_Paul said:
I quite fancy trying a horse, as it were (calm down fetishists :icon_lol

The choice at Gifts and Care is a bit bewildering. Can anyone recommend one they've bought?

Nearly bought the entire line including the Barber brushes. Vie-Long's quite the contender. It's a very good product if you ever want switch it up from typical name brand brushes.

4101/4201 20 mm
4102/4202 23 mm

Not many Boar fans here these are quite harsh but lifts beard faster than any brush I've ever used. Prickly. It's trimmed and rounded off at the top. If you're accustomed to luxurious exercise of brush swirling stay far and away from these.

Horse 4311 Extra
Horse 4211 Extra
20 mm knot
If you don't want consume much product these are the way to go. Not as packed as one would like but still produce good enough lather to achieve 3-5 passes depending on how much product you want use up.

23 mm knot
4312/4212 extra no difference other than hair colour preference if you like brown get the 4312 you fancy the black get 4212. These are quite a treat. Not recommended for to and fro paint much less face lathering. Really meant as bowl lather hence Barber brush.

13052 I wouldn't soak this longer than minute you'd end up with a mop of brush.
very ergonomic handle. Bristles are great for exfoliating. Not recommended for banana fingers. This reminiscent of those complained about the size of Simpsons Case.

13061 Horse splays and distribute lather well especially if you face lather. Reminds me of the great attributes Boar is known for. This uses great amount of product due to the 23 mm knot.

As far as Horse/Badger

The problem I find with these is that mane was used for distributing % while the rest 50% is Badger. It's flaccid. Tail is rougher than mane. Had they split between the two and perhaps kept Badger as is. It may have

16590 Black is fave of the the bunch it's quite softer than 16726 and 16728. All are of 20 mm knot with the 16728 being the lather hog of the bunch. Bristles tapered in such a way that you can lather for days. The 16728 is scrubby but not to point where it pricks you. I've sensitive skin and I could lather with this all day. As far as 16590 Black it lathers quick. It's cross between Omega's 599 Silver with the density of Simpsons X2.