Which Artist Club blades?

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Hi folks - I've just taken a CJB Kamisori into my collection. It came with some Dorco blades, which may well be okay, but I'll be trying the Feather Artist Club blades ... the question is, which?

I'm sure whichever I chose, I'll be happy, but it there a good one to start with? Pro, Pro Guard, Pro Super, Pro Light? Is blade reveal the thing to look out for ... more, or less to start off with?

Your experience and advice will be greatly appreciated.
I'd start off with Pro and if this is not aggressive enough then Pro Super is the way to go.

Personally I've found Pro to be spot on perfect for me. Super are too aggressive for my tastes, Light has a ridiculously small amount of blade showing (and is consequently quite ineffective), and Guard's are as much use as a chocolate teapot.

Like everything though, it might just be a case of YMMV. :)
... more reading, and I found this article:


... and this:

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